What Not To Wear (while riding)


New Member
Maybe they're trying to cool off their sack. I do this sometimes when riding for a while on the highway. The breeze feels so nice. :)

Hahaha!!! Best response in the whole thread. Got me laughing out loud in the break room at work. Coworkers and customers must think I'm crazy! This is signature worthy, :rof::rof::rof: nice one dude! You deserve some major rep.


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Took this at lunch. Amazing what i see all the time now working a block from the beach.
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Gah I can't ride like that. My skin would burn in seconds. I can't tan worth a damn. I'll burn and afterwards be just as white before. lol


New Member
Back to the topic at hand...

What not to look like while riding. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZbPRaqyGh8]Rambo Motorcyclist epic fail in the middle of the crowd - YouTube[/ame]

*sorry if anyone has posted this before...
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New Member
he was prolly going too fast out of that left turn, panicked, stepped on the rear brake, locked the wheel, and slide-o-rama... Quick reflexes tho. He got off with just minor task on his right palm. I like how the little boy is the one who comes over to help to put the kickstand down... lol. What are all the adults doing?


Well-Known Member
How would that be different from any other day of his life? :)



New Member
OMG! How embarassing! Lol... He did do a very nice dismount. I wonder if that means he had gotten used to doing it... :rolleyes:


New Member
Why have so many people been blasted and had their pictures plastered on this site recently? I'm guessing none of the people from these photos are here to defended themselves from the high and mighty who I guess wear suits of armor when they ride. If it's within the law then people have the right to ride in whatever they want. I just don't see why putting them on blast is so popular on this site.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

You super awesome racing ninjas with your super awesome $500 suits and $500 helmets can take that baggaf goppin nonsense elsewhere. Call me a damn squid all you want. I wear my lid, a t-shirt, boots, gloves, and my backpack full of work gear. Call it, I don't care. I also have a few choice stickers on my lid. Can you guess what they say.


New Member
Took the words right out of my mouth.

You super awesome racing ninjas with your super awesome $500 suits and $500 helmets can take that baggaf goppin nonsense elsewhere. Call me a damn squid all you want. I wear my lid, a t-shirt, boots, gloves, and my backpack full of work gear. Call it, I don't care. I also have a few choice stickers on my lid. Can you guess what they say.

"I hope my helmet protects my whole body from road rash"?


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Lumen Junkie
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Brock Kickass

New Member
The gear vs. civil liberties debate has been beat to death in several threads. If you're curious where I stand, search is your friend. We have more than enough threads on this site already dedicated to this topic and it never goes well, so how about we move the debate to one of those threads and keep this thread on it's intended track; a place to come and feel superior by mercilessly ridiculing squids. If you're a squid and thus offended by the nature of this thread, feel free to make a "Easy Now, Bud; You're On A 35HP Bike Riding Across Town" thread and bag on all of the street Rosssi riding CBR 125's and Honda Ruckuses (Ruckii?) with their knee pucks and aero humps.

...and now, back to our originally scheduled content: Look at this squid with no helmet!


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[ame="http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p7Nu_vVvqyo"]Naked Motorcycle Stunt Raises Road Rash - YouTube[/ame]

This guy takes no gear to a new level

Sent using Jedi mind tricks!
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New Member
When it comes to gear, I wear it for the serenity in my mind. I've read stories about people going down, I've seen pictures, I've watched videos and they all make me a little conscientious about the hazard of riding the road. I do it because If I don't, my family (namely my mother and father and brothers), my friends would not let me hear the end of it. I tell people that it's your choice in the matter; you're a grown-a$$ adult and can make you're own decisions. I respect that. The only thing that makes me want to scream are folks that don't wear helmets or full-face helmets... if I go down, I'd like to keep as much of my face and body intact as possible. If you don't want to wear gear, more power to you and I wish you be safe on two wheels. The last thing I want is to see fellow riders go down and become a statistic. Just my two cents on the matter.


Super Moderator
Took the words right out of my mouth.

You super awesome racing ninjas with your super awesome $500 suits and $500 helmets can take that baggaf goppin nonsense elsewhere. Call me a damn squid all you want. I wear my lid, a t-shirt, boots, gloves, and my backpack full of work gear. Call it, I don't care. I also have a few choice stickers on my lid. Can you guess what they say.

Really? Take it elsewhere? No. You obviously do care since you are here defending something (that you don't care about). ALL my gear is less than $500 all together. Easily. Have you wrecked in you lack of gear? I've wrecked IN my gear. Would have been a whole 'nother story if I wasnt wearing it.

Lets see what those stickers may say since its a guessing game...

Organ donor.. (whatever may be left)
Hey look at me, IM COOL!
Too cool for gear
I dont care about my skin
I'm going to raise your medical and insurance rates
Chicks dig skin grafts
Squid 4 lyfe

Get real... :jerk:. There is no reason to not wear gear. Too hot for gear, take your car. Mesh gear is great for hot days. One stay in the hospital, picking gravel out of your skin/bones and fileting skin from where they can to use on your ground burger flesh will change your mind. Dont expect any sympathy...
