What Not To Wear (while riding)


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:rant: Too bad not that many female riders do that ... just imagine the traffic jams :eek:...... hhahah

If there ever comes a day when I'm diagnosed with a terminal disease... maybe I'll give it a try :rof:


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If there ever comes a day when I'm diagnosed with a terminal disease... maybe I'll give it a try :rof:

I'm a doctor, and I can make that decision. :noworries:


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I'm also not a religious person. And I despise being preached to. However, I would never deny anyone who is religious their right to start a thread in "The Bar" section of this open forum to discuss their views and beliefs about religion. I simply wouldn't go into their thread. They have the right to their opinions and beliefs. If they think they're better than me because they believe in a God that I don't, fine. That's their opinion and they're welcome to it. I know what I believe in (or don't believe in) and as you said, that's all you need. I don't need to discuss that aspect of life with them and we'll all get along. If you don't like what's discussed or posted in this thread, don't come in and read it. Simple as that.

I wasn't singling out any one person or anything, as I rarely pay attention to the negatives, and agree that anything can be discussed. And I wasn't complaining, just throwing another view out into the ether. I've just seen many instances (not just on this forum, also on others) where someone will mention how they took a ride sans helmet or whatever, and then a dozen people will come behind him/her and :spank: ....and that's all I take offense to. Who are they to say anything negative to that person, like a scolding is necessary or even called for.

only brought up religion because of the parallel to which some people take things. Like you I don't discuss that stuff, but I have to listen to friends and family blah blah blah all day about it. One thing I do subscribe to is "survival of the fittest" ..so the riders that go out and act a fool and then crash out and hurt themselves: I chalk up to "thinning the herd"

For the most part, I look at stuff like this and get a few laughs. I'm too old to take what I see/read on the interwebz seriously. Just thought it was a fitting place to voice my opinion.
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hmmm, so are we pointing out the two lady's here with no gear... or the person who took the shot (riding and taking a pic...)

:surrender: I think you just failed the gay test....noticing that there were other things going on in the picture....



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off-topic, but related... in so cali I also see way too many ppl who also snowboard without a helmet... and I often question that decision. well, except for the bikini skiing snow bunnies i saw one time- but, i digress... <lol>

this past season I went up to the local mountains about 5 times to snowboard, and almost every time i was up there ambulances and sirens weren't far away... one time there was even a hellicopter that had to airlift someone seriously hurt.

when i got home that night and saw the news, it turns out a little girl got hit on the the slope and fractured her leg. the asshole that hit her didn't even bother to stop and kept going. and, i think he got away... when i was up there i noticed it's mostly the teenagers boarding recklessly. but, who knows...

ppl are just terrible nowadays when it comes to outdoor sports... ruins the fun and safety for everyone... :mad:
