What Not To Wear (while riding)

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This one is kinda interesting???

Why have so many people been blasted and had their pictures plastered on this site recently? I'm guessing none of the people from these photos are here to defended themselves from the high and mighty who I guess wear suits of armor when they ride. If it's within the law then people have the right to ride in whatever they want. I just don't see why putting them on blast is so popular on this site.
Someone got a new pair of pants and now everyone else is a squid. :rolleyes:

It appears that the definition for the word 'squid' has changed to mean anyone who does not wear every piece of gear.
If that means that riders are more aware of the benefits of wearing protective gear and I see more people concerned about their safety and wearing more and more gear, that makes me happy.

As far as I'm concerned, I adhere to ATGATT.

And there is certainly nothing wrong with that but I adhere to the freedom to wear what you choose to wear, within the law. The problem with people that wear all the gear, is many of them get overconfident and feel it protects more than it actually does. Most of the gear, will only protect you from road rash, not broken bones or death. The helmet may be an exception to death, but is certainly no guarantee to that either.

Now that being said, I do wear all the gear when riding my FZ6R, except overpants, but thats just because I haven't bought them yet. Spent all the money buying the wife ALL the gear first for her bike.

Back to the definition of 'squid'. I don't think it has anything to do with gear, although it has been said that alot of the time, a squid is not wearing all of it. You can still be a squid and be fully geared, and not be a squid while not being fully geared. It has to do with the way you ride.

Just my opinion, YMMV. ;)
I believe that adults should be free to choose for themselves how much protection they need in all aspects of life. That even includes helmets. That being said, you will never find me without my gear, (I have ruined a couple helmets) that is the choice I make. Indian Larry made his choices........ If you don't wish to join him, gear up.
Why have so many people been blasted and had their pictures plastered on this site recently? I'm guessing none of the people from these photos are here to defended themselves from the high and mighty who I guess wear suits of armor when they ride. If it's within the law then people have the right to ride in whatever they want. I just don't see why putting them on blast is so popular on this site.

Agreed. I think a squid is someone on a fast sportbike driving like a dumbass. (usually young, brazen, and lacking common sense. Ah I remember those days!) It amuses me to make fun of of funny pictures but I really don't care what others wear. I have heard all of the arguments about people raising insurance rates, giving people with bikes a bad name but honestly it's never going to change so to each their own.

Also, cruisers shouldnt be in this conversation IMO. Not that it is gonna hurt any less if you go down but its a different riding style and culture than sport bikes. I do not wear leather pants with knee pucks when i ride but I wouldn't consider myself a squid or unsafe. Getting on a bike is a risk every time no matter what. Everyone should do what makes them happy and ride safe!

My .02
Agreed. I think a squid is someone on a fast sportbike driving like a dumbass. (usually young, brazen, and lacking common sense. Ah I remember those days!) It amuses me to make fun of of funny pictures but I really don't care what others wear. I have heard all of the arguments about people raising insurance rates, giving people with bikes a bad name but honestly it's never going to change so to each their own.

Also, cruisers shouldn't be in this conversation IMO. Not that it is gonna hurt any less if you go down but its a different riding style and culture than sport bikes. I do not wear leather pants with knee pucks when i ride but I wouldn't consider myself a squid or unsafe. Getting on a bike is a risk every time no matter what. Everyone should do what makes them happy and ride safe!

My .02


you sir speak the...


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If the moderators feel this thread is too offensive to those who are crazy enough to not wear gear, by all means, close it. If not, I'll continue to find pictures of these guys and girls and post them up.

Not at all! Please carry on.

....We now get back to your scheduled broadcasting.

BTW, if you are adult enough to decide what to wear (or not to wear) then you are adult enough to take criticism about your lack of gear. Or at least you are adult enough to respect another person's opinion and right to express it.
my $.02 and then I'll shut up about it

People seem to forget that a motorcycle is almost the last bastion of personal freedom. It's a solitary feeling that I love.

I don't take to heart what any religion says, and there are plenty of people that take ATGATT to a religious level. If that's your personal belief, so be it, but I don't like being preached to. Wearing a full leather suit and a $$$$ helmet doesn't make you better than me nor does it give you the right to look down your nose at anyone. I do what I want when I want, all within the law..... and that's ALL that should matter.

I'm an adult, and I'm fully aware of the danger of operating a vehicle that offers no kind of protection. If I choose (and occassionally I do) to not wear a helmet, so what. It's not against the law in my state, and if something bad were to happen it's not going to hurt anyone else but me.... and don't give me the "all the people that love you" speech. I'm talking physical injury here. I can understand if you have kids, it's harder... but then again just mounting up is a risk, so you've already made a personal decision and came to your own conclusions of responsiblity about that.

I wear a helmet 95% of the time.... gloves, earpulgs and glasses everytime. I shake my head at people that don't at least do that, but I'll be damned if anyone catches me wagging my finger at them... which is exactly what this thread is doing.

I'm just another person on the planet... like the rest of you, not omnipotent... so my opinion matters to only one person: me. And anyone else's opinion of me matters not.

That being said, I'll leave you with this: Ride smart, ride safe... most importantly enjoy yourself!
Might I add that there is also entertainment value to this thread as well... Hehehe

Keep the pix coming... :)
Totally agree on the whole entertainment value thing. There is this epic thread full of squid pics on this kawi forum I was checking out that was hilarious. It had more of a "we are hear to laugh" tone though. That's what I am hear to do - laugh.

I'll post a link or maybe just steal some pics to add here.
