What Not To Wear (while riding)


later that year... and why we wear our gear


Can you say scarred for life... She's lucky she didn't lose more than just her skin...

That's frightening... Some lessons in life shouldn't have to be learned this way.... And, what a complete unnecessary waste... Sigh.
Wearing the right gear, but really???? Yoda???? I mean I'm a self proclaimed Star Wars geek but that's just wrong. lol


"Hold on, Yoda! This is going to be a wild ride!"

"Err, the lean is strong with this one!"
Ok think I've found the ultimate for this thread!!!

Never Never wear your BBQ stand on your bike!!!
ok, since we're quoting/captioning... "I got a bad feeling about this."

This dude's previous ultra-safe rendition of "Superman" was lame, but I can think of a gazillion better stunt positions than this one. I mean, is this the best you can come up with??? I can almost read his mind, "Oh Crap! A photographer, I better do something cool... (Ummmm, thinking, thinking..........) I know, I'll ride side-saddle and give a pouty look at the camera."

Honestly, if your first idea of a stunt is to ride like woman from the 1800's, then you are either 12 years old, lack serious creativity, or are advertising your alternative lifestyle.

Squids, you have found your god.
