R6 Exhaust Marthy Edition

Yeah the viper sounds awesome! Def want that on my bike. How hard is it to weld that up to the stock header?!?! Plus do you need the PCV for it?
Marthy the Viper looks wicked mate!! I wish I had more options when upgrading my exhaust. I love my Leo Vince but it's too"stealth", you can hear it but barely see it on the bike. The center stand conceals it too much, but then again with the center stand the only option was the Leo Vince

Keep up the good work mate! I'm still waiting for my PC and AT to arrive
Marthy's work is beautiful and professional.
If I hadn't jumped in an done mine 6 months ago, I'd go for one from him.
Bending the header is the biggest pain in the butt I ever had to do.....

Mine is all clamped and his is all welded.....

When you think about the increased torque and HP trying to keep up with a 1 litre bike it is money well spent.
I was just wondering how many of you are really "serious" about getting an exhaust in a near future? No biggies, but I invest quite a bit of money considering my budget. If no one is interested I will put it for sale on ebay or something like that. I was jusy trying to help some of you that can't fabricate an exhaust with a cheaper option then a TB. Having 3 exhaust system (2 completed) is not really helping me out... I had one already.

Just wondering...
I'm serious just might take a month or two before I'd have that spare cash to sling at a exhaust. How much are you wanting for the viper you got now? And I know you said you'd want the stock exhaust too which I have no problem with trading mine to ya. Only problem is how much does it weigh now? Cause shipping might be pricey I'd think? To have the one shipped up here then my exhaust back down to ya. I'd pick it up if Ohio and Florida were a little closer :p I'd love a trip to Florida for a few days though, haha.
I downloaded the Viper can map after work and tested it today. It hits 3rd gear hard enough to bring the wheel off the ground a little. Gets up to speed a lot faster and sounds good. The engine temp is 10F higher than with the M4 map.
I was at 184 to 189 running and it jumped to 194 to 199. It doesn't go any higher tho even when I am banging the crap out of it except when I come to a stop at a light...from 8k to 11k it is explosive.

The bike just keeps getting better....
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Sung to the tune of Spiderman.......

DynoButt, DynoButt,
Does whatever a Dyno can
Makes a map, any size,
Explosive acceleration the bike just flys
Look Out!
Here comes the DynoButt.

Is he smart?
Listen bud,
He's got explosive blood.
Can he map your bikes best power
Don’t look now red light flashing.
Hey, there
There goes the DynoButt.

In the chill of night
With the App and a map
Like a streak of light
TBRs got nothing on him.

DynoButt, DynoButt
Friendly neighborhood DynoButt
Wealth and fame
He's so far been denied
Speeding like the Devil is his reward.

To him, life is a great big ECU map
Whenever there's a change
You'll find the DynoButt.
