Did you feel that...?


New Member
EARTHQUAKE IN THE GTA!! I heard it was down into NY, Philly, Montreal and Ottawa... 5.5 on the richter... anyone else feel that?
Nah...it was just me shakin' things up a bit!! :D

We felt it here in MI, Kinda cool!
Ho Hummmmm

Try living in California gents.....
A 5.5 is nothing....
yeah, but imagine not having one for years, then having a 5.5

just feels weird if you don't have them all the time....

It feels wierd every time I feel one too dart.
Some roll like a wave, some are a sharp shift, some rumble back and forth more than a foot. Some are fast and some are slow. Some last a second or 2 and some last over a minute. Then we get aftershocks in the 5.5 range.....

What did this one feel like? Did you hear the boom or snap?

So no matter how wierd it was, it's intensity was only a 5.5 and I usually don't even notice those.
I've been tossed around my room like a rag doll before, had the bathtub pour 1/2 the water onto the floor and gotten seasick after we stopped on the freeway before so a 5.5 is noticeable but not earth shattering.. Was there any damage reported that you know of?

Now if we had golf ball sized hail, tornadoes, hurricanes or weather below 0 f I would sit up and take notice. forest fires, mudslides and earthquakes are fine with me. ;)
I did not notice anything here in Montreal.
It feels wierd every time I feel one too dart.
Some roll like a wave, some are a sharp shift, some rumble back and forth more than a foot. Some are fast and some are slow. Some last a second or 2 and some last over a minute. Then we get aftershocks in the 5.5 range.....

What did this one feel like? Did you hear the boom or snap?

That's what she said!!

I do not know how you people live in areas that have earthquakes!! Being in Colorado, we do not have those kinds of events. While in Afghanistan, I went through a 7.1 and a 6.9 a few weeks later. That was enough for me!!! The first one shook violently, the second one was like being on a boat and the ground was rolling like waves!! Both made water lines and electrical wires pop, as well as mud huts collapse. I plan to stay right here in Colorado where all I have to deal with is a few blizzards and tornadoes in the warmer weather.

A 5.5 isn't much - for sure... however - when you don't even have earthquakes on your radar, it sort of throws you off. More people thought it was a bomb going off (the G20 is in Toronto, so it's quite possible) than thought it may have been an earthquake.
