Would you let a friend (experienced rider) test your bike?


New Member
Would you let a friend test out your bike? In my case, He has over 10 years riding a cruiser but wants to test out a street bike.
I've read many terrible things about letting someone ride your bike but most of them were curious beginner. I know some of you are very adamant about letting another soul touch your bike.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

I want to create a poll yes or no but don't know how.
Maybe one already exist.
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While chances are that he'll be fine, sports and cruisers have completely different ergonomics, and power bands...

One unintentional twist 'o the wrist, and you've got a pregnant pause, and then a very awkward situation...

Forgot who said you never loan money to friends... I have no doubt he was also talking about your bike...
The way I see it is like this.

My bike is my bike, only way anybody else is ever going to ride it is if im selling it and they come for a test ride cash in hand.
like above stated. i rode my coworkers r6. he asked to ride my bike when i first got it. I told him sure if he drops it he buys it lol. I told him I would buy his if i screwed it up. He didnt want to ride it after that
Cruiser only guy...? Probably not. Sport bike guy, sure. I let my buddy ride mine and he let me take his R1. Fair trade haha :D
Two things nobody touches;my second wife and my bikes. Other people and some dealers will let people test ride,not me. I don't ride others bikes either. When I was younger I have been in situations with cars where I have screwed up somebody's car or they have screwed up mine and it never turned out well.
Sure, I just ask for the keys to theirs ;)

all honesty though, it's a machine that can get fixed, my insurance covers it so I don't really care as long as they are experienced and very good friends with them.
Enact the "you brake it, you bought it rule,"

It also depends on the friend if they have experience or not.
I let a buddy try my 6R, but I picked up my FZ1 with 00000 on the odometer. I just think it's neat that I own every tick on that clock. For that reason, nobody tries my bike.
I've let 3 people ride my bike, 1 was a complete stranger so i held her ID and had her car w/ the keys. Never was a problem. Now I do have some friends that I would never let ride cause they do dumb things. My bike is paid off and I have insurance to cover any drops.
NO....NO....NO...absolutely effing NO.....

I don't allow anyone to ride my bikes...They always over rev them like they could give a shyte about blowing the motor or burn up the clutch.

Nice hearing someone at 13K rpm drop the bike into 4th and hear the 3 seconds of clutch burn....

I'm not fond or rebuilding my bikes because some a-hole thinks they can race.....
NO....NO....NO...absolutely effing NO.....

I don't allow anyone to ride my bikes...They always over rev them like they could give a shyte about blowing the motor or burn up the clutch.

Nice hearing someone at 13K rpm drop the bike into 4th and hear the 3 seconds of clutch burn....

I'm not fond or rebuilding my bikes because some a-hole thinks they can race.....

Dang, just when I was going to ask to ride yours... I ever come close to red line :D

My stance of saying no if I want to remain friends. Is not that I value my bike more than the friendship. I would just rather avoid all stupid scenarios and what if's and keep life going as usual than to risk some mistake. If they want to ride, go ride a beater and get your own. Sure, insurance covers it blah blah. But your rates go up and its just a pain in the a##.
