Would you let a friend (experienced rider) test your bike?

Sooner than I would a relative, but still no. If something happens it becomes a money issue. It's not about emotional attachment to the bike. Money has a way of coming between friends, relatives and just about anyone or anything. Not worth it.

I have a few friends I would let ride my bike anytime they want.

My brother in law rides my bike without even asking me for the keys. I rode his bike all the time for a whole year when I was LEARNING how to ride.

It's just a bike. If it crashes we call the insurance and life go on. It's a lot of things more important in life than 2 wheels+engine+fuel tank.

I guess I'm gonna go to the thread where you name your bike. Finally found a name for it. "Just a thing"
Nope. Let a VERY good friend ride my R6 back in the day who had been riding for 10+ years.... took a corner full of gravel way too fast and flipped my bike (I'm talking... it tumbled a$$ over elbow about 4 times :(). I saw the whole thing play out as I was behind him in my car.

Never heard from him again. Bike was totaled. At that point, I thought, So much for good friends. :mad:

Had to wait 2 years before I got another one and swore I'd never let anyone ride my bikes. To this day, nobody has....

.....well except the husband because I figure if you love me enough to buy me motorcycles then you should get to at least try it out. :D Plus he's had over 20 years and hundreds of thousands of miles on motorbikes (touring), so I guess he's ok to ride mine for a few minutes. :rolleyes:
There are a few people I can think of, and they're family. And that's only because they've been riding since before I was born. :p

On the flip side, I *really* wanna hop on a 1000cc, preferrably a GSXR or CBR just to see the difference. On the OTHER flip side, I would be scared out of my mind to crash the thang, so I would be stupid careful with it and prolly not even begin to test it's capabilities.

Either way, I would probably go with heavily dependant on the circumstances, but probably no.
1st bike was an almost new 1968 Hodaka Ace 90. Let a friend ride it and he had some sort of diabetic issue and left it in 1st gear and redlined until it seized.
2nd time my NSR50, world champ 50cc rides it and redlines it the whole time burning the clutch. I only had to replace the plates and springs after that at a cost of $200.00 for specialized tools and parts.

What good does it do you to allow someone to ride your bike? NOTHING......
What are the chances they will break it or crash it? Very high...

Not worth it..I'd rather they think I'm an asshole than to have to repair it.
I've let a few people ride it, just people I know very well. This is how I see it and what I tell them before they take off " have fun and know that there is absolutely NOTHING you can do that I haven't already done to it, but that being said.... You break it you bought it!!! "
I found my dad sitting on my 6r one day right after i got it. I took the keys out of the ignition. :D No one, even sits on my bike but me.

He had rode for 20 years... 20 years ago. He ended up buying a bike again in 2010, must have got the feeling just looking at it.
Would you let a friend test out your bike? In my case, He has over 10 years riding a cruiser but wants to test out a street bike.
I've read many terrible things about letting someone ride your bike but most of them were curious beginner. I know some of you are very adamant about letting another soul touch your bike.

I would like to hear your thoughts on this.

I want to create a poll yes or no but don't know how.
Maybe one already exist.

If he has ride a similar type of bike before, including torque and power specs, maybe. He must also confirm that he took or has a motorcycle endorsement .

Otherwise, is calling for trouble, even if he is an experienced rider.
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I've let several close friends ride my bike, definitely only those I'm sure of and trust though. And to the other point, all of the people who have ridden it were primarily cruiser rider's. But it all goes without saying "you break it, you buy it" is just a rule of thumb.
I guess it depends how you think of your bike, when I take mine out on the town we inevitably get a little kinky. I've never been one to pass around my playthings. ;) Plus the thought of someone else's junk all up on my gas tank... makes me feel dirty.

EDIT: Please note: My profile pic of my daughter sitting on it was taken the day I bought her, we weren't attached yet. :p
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I guess it depends how you think of your bike, when I take mine out on the town we inevitably get a little kinky. I've never been one to pass around my playthings. ;) Plus the thought of someone else's junk all up on my gas tank... makes me feel dirty.

EDIT: Please note: My profile pic of my daughter sitting on it was taken the day I bought her, we weren't attached yet. :p

good dirty or bad dirty? tell us more...
