What Not To Wear (while riding)

I made the decision to be ATGATT. I've had some very attractive women ask if I would take them around the block. I had to say no. :(

As a single parent, who doesn't wish to be, that's tough. Heck, as a MALE that's tough. I want a woman in my life. Those women may have been trying to open that door. But how could I, with conscience, put a woman on the back of my bike knowing I was putting her life at risk, because of some stupid cager, or just a little gravel on the road?

Just a ride around the block and something happens. How could I live with that when I'm in full gear and unscarred, and she's going to the hospital because I didn't have the balls to say no?

*Sigh* Sometimes, being a true MAN, isn't easy. *Sigh*

That's a lot of restraint, not many can say they would be able to show it.
I made the decision to be ATGATT. I've had some very attractive women ask if I would take them around the block. I had to say no. :(

As a single parent, who doesn't wish to be, that's tough. Heck, as a MALE that's tough. I want a woman in my life. Those women may have been trying to open that door. But how could I, with conscience, put a woman on the back of my bike knowing I was putting her life at risk, because of some stupid cager, or just a little gravel on the road?

Just a ride around the block and something happens. How could I live with that when I'm in full gear and unscarred, and she's going to the hospital because I didn't have the balls to say no?

*Sigh* Sometimes, being a true MAN, isn't easy. *Sigh*

Explain it like you did above to those women who ask. It would be a good filter for your selection. The ones worth your further attention would understand and appreciate your concern and would want to get to know you better.
This guy is getting pretty low for not wearing protective pants...especially while watching the camera instead of the road.

Matching helmets..I like how he is leaned over on a trike and the passenger isn't. The Ferrari sticker puts it over the top.
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wow... a bunch of meatballers who don't even know it.

sad. :(
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no no no, Senor esta loco
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I made the decision to be ATGATT. I've had some very attractive women ask if I would take them around the block. I had to say no. :(

As a single parent, who doesn't wish to be, that's tough. Heck, as a MALE that's tough. I want a woman in my life. Those women may have been trying to open that door. But how could I, with conscience, put a woman on the back of my bike knowing I was putting her life at risk, because of some stupid cager, or just a little gravel on the road?

Just a ride around the block and something happens. How could I live with that when I'm in full gear and unscarred, and she's going to the hospital because I didn't have the balls to say no?

*Sigh* Sometimes, being a true MAN, isn't easy. *Sigh*

when you find the girl that rides up on her own bike and says hey wanna ride around the block with me, then you found a winner bro. Go to some sportbike meets, its how most of my buddies met their female counterparts. Common interests baby!!!!!! now.....:backtotopic:
This guy is getting pretty low for not wearing protective pants...especially while watching the camera instead of the road.

Matching helmets..I like how he is leaned over on a trike and the passenger isn't. The Ferrari sticker puts it over the top.

He wouldn't have to be so low if he was using better form. If it was me, I'd be hanging inside and keeping the bike more upright. And yes, more/better gear is recommended if you're going to ride this aggressively.

As for the three-wheeler, it just looks funny to me that the rider is leaning in and the vehicle is leaning out.
As for the three-wheeler, it just looks funny to me that the rider is leaning in and the vehicle is leaning out.[/QUOTE]

It almost looks like he is sitting still and trying to shake it back and forth.
Saw a guy coming down ACH on a GXR riding in jeans, sneakers, short sleeve button down shirt. What was really upsetting to me is that he had what looked like his 5 year daughter on back. She had on a helmet, sneakers, sweatpants, and a long sleeved t shirt. Talk about reckless child endangerment! Ugh! :mad:
