What Not To Wear (while riding)

Call it how you want to call it... Squid, dumb, whatever. There is no reason NOT to wear gear. Gear IS affordable. You do not need top of the line stuff. Hell, you can get many pairs of over pants on clearance now for $50 ish dollars. I know some of you spend well over $100 on a pair of jeans :D.

Yup, we point and make fun of people and ridicule them for not wearing gear. Especially on the roads most of these pictures are taken. Although most accidents happen not far from home. Have any of you slid down the pavement at even 30 mph? Drive your car and then just jump out of it. Yeah, wouldnt be pretty. Just because you live where it is all straight roads is no real excuse either. A deer can jump out, a car can not see you, any number of things.

Do you not wear a seatbelt in your car? Do you not have insurance on your vehicles?

Yes, we all make mistakes. AND we all (hopefully) will learn from them. We want to educate the new riders and hopefully some old timers too, so that they can learn from others mistakes and avoid the same.

According to your terms, about encouraging people to ride because you care so much about them, shouldn't you then be concerned about whether they smoke or drink excessively or commit crimes or are involved with gangs etc.?
You are damned right I am concerned about it... I would hope no one here is having any of these issues, killing themselves. If we see things, anything, that puts you guys at risk, especially on a bike we will speak up and try and point you in the right direction. Yes, it is up to you what you choose, it IS your own decision.... But for the hundreds of other people that may see that warning, that stern encouragement to do the proper thing, it may just change THEIR mind to do the right thing. We have countless amounts of people here that see these threads, hear our warnings, see our crash videos and wake up and realize its not smart to not wear gear. We have changed many minds and that effectively has saved many lives, many hospital bills, many hurt family members.

So the few people's feelings that we may hurt, its worth it for the MANY lives we can save. Ultimately it IS up to you, but we as a community will do everything we can to point you, and NEW riders in the right direction.

Don't take it the wrong way. We just don't want to see anyone hurt.
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Call it how you want to call it... Squid, dumb, whatever. There is no reason NOT to wear gear. Gear IS affordable. You do not need top of the line stuff. Hell, you can get many pairs of over pants on clearance now for $50 ish dollars. I know some of you spend well over $100 on a pair of jeans :D.

Yup, we point and make fun of people and ridicule them for not wearing gear. Especially on the roads most of these pictures are taken. Although most accidents happen not far from home. Have any of you slid down the pavement at even 30 mph? Drive your car and then just jump out of it. Yeah, wouldnt be pretty. Just because you live where it is all straight roads is no real excuse either. A deer can jump out, a car can not see you, any number of things.

Do you not wear a seatbelt in your car? Do you not have insurance on your vehicles?

Yes, we all make mistakes. AND we all (hopefully) will learn from them. We want to educate the new riders and hopefully some old timers too, so that they can learn from others mistakes and avoid the same.

You are damned right I am concerned about it... I would hope no one here is having any of these issues, killing themselves. If we see things, anything, that puts you guys at risk, especially on a bike we will speak up and try and point you in the right direction. Yes, it is up to you what you choose, it IS your own decision.... But for the hundreds of other people that may see that warning, that stern encouragement to do the proper thing, it may just change THEIR mind to do the right thing. We have countless amounts of people here that see these threads, hear our warnings, see our crash videos and wake up and realize its not smart to not wear gear. We have changed many minds and that effectively has saved many lives, many hospital bills, many hurt family members.

So the few people's feelings that we may hurt, its worth it for the MANY lives we can save. Ultimately it IS up to you, but we as a community will do everything we can to point you, and NEW riders in the right direction.

Don't take it the wrong way. We just don't want to see anyone hurt.

On a related note, I have gotten better about wearing my gloves after nearly t-boning a van the other day. I know I really need MC pants of some kind, but mainly haven't gotten them yet from a mix of laziness and cost. Where are these mythical $50 pants you speak of?
I'm sorry, but the only reason I frequent this thread is in hope to see some pics of scantily clad hotties riding bikes... :justkidding:
On a related note, I have gotten better about wearing my gloves after nearly t-boning a van the other day. I know I really need MC pants of some kind, but mainly haven't gotten them yet from a mix of laziness and cost. Where are these mythical $50 pants you speak of?

You just have to keep watching for closeout deals.

MCGear has lots of good deals on gear.

Here is one around that price.
FirstGear Mesh Tex 2.0 Pants :: MotorcycleGear.com

These are $89
AGV Sport Solare Pants :: MotorcycleGear.com

These are $80
Fieldsheer Slip On Pants :: MotorcycleGear.com

Tour Master Quest Pants :: MotorcycleGear.com

Tour Master Quest Pants - Street Bike - Motorcycle Superstore

Fieldsheer Slip On Pants - RevZilla

So there is lots of decent stuff out there with armor for under $100.
I must say that I have had my fair share of laughs reading (and looking) through this thread, but I have taken the need for gear very seriously.

I would always wear a helmet and gloves, but I was also known to wear shorts and a T-shirt. After joining the forum and realizing how important gear is, I bought a better jacket and riding pants. I have also purchased riding shoes. I'm ATGATT now. I don't have the top of the line racing equipment, but I will agree that you can find relatively inexpensive riding gear for almost all riding styles.

The guys I ride with give me a hard time about wearing all of that when it's 80+ degrees outside, so I stole the "I'd rather sweat than bleed" quote, and I'm trying to get them to understand the importance of gear too, but it's a challenge (they plan trips around what states have helmet laws).
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Jay put it very eloquently! :thumbup:

It is by far easier and less painful to wash off sweat than it is to have your flesh debrided!! And I have seen a number of threads on here where people have gone down and wished they were better protected.

NSFW video: Here is a graphic representation for your viewing displeasure. I know it's fake, but think about the reality of bare flesh grinding against the pavement when you go down without proper gear. If this video doesn't make you cringe just a little, something may be off....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCnkDMxYg6w]Scraping Hand On Pavement - YouTube[/ame]
You just have to keep watching for closeout deals.

MCGear has lots of good deals on gear.

Here is one around that price.
FirstGear Mesh Tex 2.0 Pants :: MotorcycleGear.com

These are $89
AGV Sport Solare Pants :: MotorcycleGear.com

These are $80
Fieldsheer Slip On Pants :: MotorcycleGear.com

Tour Master Quest Pants :: MotorcycleGear.com

Tour Master Quest Pants - Street Bike - Motorcycle Superstore

Fieldsheer Slip On Pants - RevZilla

So there is lots of decent stuff out there with armor for under $100.

Thanks for the info. I don't disagree about wearing the pants, I just haven't made up my mind yet what to get, and I have a tough time finding pants in my size (bigger around than I am tall, and even then, I'm not very big around..)

I'll look through these and if I can find something in my size I might try and order a pair, at very minimum for that LA / MS meet coming up.

I'm sure this is a dumb question, but I assume all of the above pants are designed to wear over regular pants (jeans?)
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Just an FYI I wear gear helmet, gloves, jacket, boots, and pants just not armored pants. I'm right there with you it suck to see someone learn the hard way just no point of calling someone stupid or dumb for not wearing gear, they will figure it out eventually.
I understand where everyone is coming from, and I would feel horrible if I found out a forum member got in a wreck and lost a foot due to not wearing good boots. I just think the term "squid" is used loosely. Yes, it's good to encourage everyone to practice safe habits, but wouldn't that go hand in hand as riding a motorcycle is less safe than a car, so why do it? Because it's different, a motorcycle offers something a car can't.

It would seriously be impractical for me to be ATGATT. I do not have the time put on and take off all the armor or a place to store it at work. If I just rode for pleasure then yeah, I would most likely be ATGATT because I would be riding harder. Anyways, not to step on anyone's toes. Btw, I do wear a jacket and gloves about 50% of the time and a helmet 100%. =]

Back to the OP, where are some pics? :D
I understand where everyone is coming from, and I would feel horrible if I found out a forum member got in a wreck and lost a foot due to not wearing good boots. I just think the term "squid" is used loosely. Yes, it's good to encourage everyone to practice safe habits, but wouldn't that go hand in hand as riding a motorcycle is less safe than a car, so why do it? Because it's different, a motorcycle offers something a car can't.

It would seriously be impractical for me to be ATGATT. I do not have the time put on and take off all the armor or a place to store it at work. If I just rode for pleasure then yeah, I would most likely be ATGATT because I would be riding harder. Anyways, not to step on anyone's toes. Btw, I do wear a jacket and gloves about 50% of the time and a helmet 100%. =]

Back to the OP, where are some pics? :D

I can understand the sentiment - I need some good MC pants for longer trips, but my daily commute I'm still mixed about. I always wear gloves / helmet / jacket, but the second I walk in the door I usually get slammed and don't get time to change or a good place to store it. If I showed up to work early...I'd just get slammed earlier...my morning commute is rarely faster than 40 mph, so I might buy a few pairs of draggin jeans over time as a compromise with overpants for longer trips.
I can understand the sentiment - I need some good MC pants for longer trips, but my daily commute I'm still mixed about. I always wear gloves / helmet / jacket, but the second I walk in the door I usually get slammed and don't get time to change or a good place to store it. If I showed up to work early...I'd just get slammed earlier...my morning commute is rarely faster than 40 mph, so I might buy a few pairs of draggin jeans over time as a compromise with overpants for longer trips.

Yeah I'm thinking about a pair of Kevlar Jeans just for when I'm out and about on my days off. But other than that, I'm kinda stuck. My commute to work is about a two minute ride. I don't really ride much other than that.
more people are killed in car accidents each year then motorcyclists killed in motorcycle accidents btw :p

Lol and that's just because of the ratio of MC riders to car drivers. More people are killed by falling coconuts than shark bites in the world. But you're chances of being killed by a coconut falling from a tree in Daytona Beach is nada. It's all about the ratio and location.
Lol and that's just because of the ratio of MC riders to car drivers. More people are killed by falling coconuts than shark bites in the world. But you're chances of being killed by a coconut falling from a tree in Daytona Beach is nada. It's all about the ratio and location.

It depends on how well the coconut is tied to the bird carrying it! (Monty Python fans will understand!) :D

You know, I have found it odd that I have had many more close calls (people not seeing me) while driving my big 3/4 ton pickup than I have riding my motorcycle or car! Now, it is understandable comparing my bike to my pickup because I have driven my pickup much more than my bike, so law of averages come into play. But I drive my car more than my pickup, so there should be more incidents while driving the car. Comparing the car to the truck, I would estimate twice as many people have pulled out or turned in front of me while driving the truck. My truck is much more visible than my car! I drive them the same, so it is a real puzzler to me.

Just thinking to myself in print here.
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thats not 100% true the number of riders in the US is steadily increasing, i read somewhere its up by 60%

You have to take into account the just because 60% of US drivers also ride motorcycles, I am willing to bet that 40% of those 60% ride their cars/trucks more than their motorcycles. So the amount of motorcycles on the road compared to the amount of cages on the road is much smaller. ;)

I understand where everyone is coming from, and I would feel horrible if I found out a forum member got in a wreck and lost a foot due to not wearing good boots. I just think the term "squid" is used loosely. Yes, it's good to encourage everyone to practice safe habits, but wouldn't that go hand in hand as riding a motorcycle is less safe than a car, so why do it? Because it's different, a motorcycle offers something a car can't.

It would seriously be impractical for me to be ATGATT. I do not have the time put on and take off all the armor or a place to store it at work. If I just rode for pleasure then yeah, I would most likely be ATGATT because I would be riding harder. Anyways, not to step on anyone's toes. Btw, I do wear a jacket and gloves about 50% of the time and a helmet 100%. =]

Back to the OP, where are some pics? :D

If you can't gear up to ride to work, then cage it, seriously the 5 minutes you spend putting your gear on and taking it off could save your life, and if you think "oh i'm just going to work, not riding hard i'll be fine" then i'm sorry, but that's idiotic behavior. I only live 1.6 miles from work, takes me 3 minutes to ride there. However I still spend the 5 minutes to gear up because theres been more then once that i've had a close call on the way to work.
