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I'm going to ignore, just this once, that you are bicep curling in a squat rack.
You can DL over 300lb, so you should have no problem picking it up from the floor.

BroScienceLife on youtube is pretty astute at this kind of thing: most of this is noob stuff, but there's a small part on bicep curls.

[ame=]Rookie Mistakes In The Gym - YouTube[/ame]


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Is that you in the video Anthony? (135lb curls)

On a side note, I think I'm gonna start doing full body workouts.

I've always wanted to try them out but was hesitant to try something new.

Gonna do that for 2 months and see where it takes me. As opposed to doing splits for 4-5 times a week.

Just gonna do full body 3 days a week.


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I'm going to ignore, just this once, that you are bicep curling in a squat rack.
You can DL over 300lb, so you should have no problem picking it up from the floor.

BroScienceLife on youtube is pretty astute at this kind of thing: most of this is noob stuff, but there's a small part on bicep curls.

Rookie Mistakes In The Gym - YouTube

If the squat rack was meant to do curls, it would be called: the rest of the gym



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Started doing full body workouts yesterday, for some reason, I liked it a lot. Going to see where that gets me in two months.

September 1st:
Barbell Curl: 45 lbs
Bench: 90 lbs
Squat: 90 lbs
Shoulder press: 30 lbs
Bent over row: 60 lbs

November 1st:
Barbell Curl: 90 lbs
Bench: 185 lbs
Squat: 135 lbs (I have little ***** legs, gimme a break, I'm working my way up!!! :p I only did legs 3 times in those two months. Hopefully this full body thing will fix things up )
Shoulder press: 55 lbs
Bent over row: 135 lbs

I was no way fat at all by any means, but I've lost 8 lbs since. Buddies guess me at 170-180 lbs. But nope, they are pretty shocked when I tell them 147 lol.


Some pics:






nothing impressive, but whatever. I'm happy with what I have.

Edit: Bah gawd, was going through this thread, Anthony you mother****ing beast!! I almost feel embarrassed sharing my stuff lol.
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This is what the site said

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Squat: 90 lbs
Squat: 135 lbs (I have little ***** legs, gimme a break, I'm working my way up!!! :p I only did legs 3 times in those two months. Hopefully this full body thing will fix things up )

I was no way fat at all by any means, but I've lost 8 lbs since. Buddies guess me at 170-180 lbs. But nope, they are pretty shocked when I tell them 147 lol.


These numbers right here would have had me guess you at 150lb (and looking at your photos). If your lower body matched your upper body, then your friends would have been more accurate. Get those legs going man! lol

Front squats, back squats, deadlifts, romanian deadlifts, hamstring curls, weighted lunges...if you can power clean, I'd do it..all the big compound stuff.


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holy crap you are really big for 147. how tall are you? I'm creeping up on you. I really need a lot more on the arms but chest is filing out nicely and abs are starting to show.

Whatever you do...don't skip leg day. Big arms and no legs is a tragedy :( Round here it's called Jersey Shore syndrome.
