The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...

So after hitting a new personal best of 335 LBS, I was really out of steam strength wise but wanted to keep it going so I started to do drop sets yet still kept the heavy weights at first. After finding a new spotter I dropped from 335 , to 315 for 4 reps, then 275 for 8 reps, then 225 for 15 reps, then 135 for 30 reps.(these 30 reps killed me)...

Today' Workout:

Flat Bench, Incline Bench, Decline Bench, Flat Press, Incline Press & Dips. (6 movements)

6 movements was probably 2 too many today but I was so happy to have hit a new personal best that after my giddiness wore off I became mean, strong & energetic so I went with it.. I was in the gym for 1 hour 17 minutes...

You'll be getting that 405 real soon.
All those presses are only just going to get you stronger man!
I have a very very very very very very very very very very annoying problem.
The problem is called a Pilonidal Cyst. This cyst formed right at the top of my butt crack. Sounds all haha funny but it's the worst thing I have ever experienced.

I found out I had one two years ago November. I went to my doctor and they referred me to a general surgeon. He confirms it's the Pilonidal Cyst and we schedule a surgery(remember this was two years ago, not now). I get the surgery. What they did is took out the cyst and a little of the tissue around it then stitched me up. Well it gone infected, as most do because of the location. So I go to the doctor and they num it up and cut it open, I still felt it though....
The next month was literally hell. Imagine not being able to take a dump without worrying about bleeding and ripping the wound wide open again. Imagine having to clean your wound with peroxide and seeing a massive second butt hole. Imagine not being about to sit down.

To this day I have pain. I can't sit in a normal position, it feels like someone is sticking a sword in my tailbone. This past Monday, I could have swore I thought the cyst was back from all the pain I was having. So I went to the doctor. He inspected the area and said the wound looked great and didn't see anything wrong in the area. He told me when they do this surgery they take the fat around the area, that may be causing me the pain because they basically took away my cushion.

The fact that I'm probably gonna have to live with this pain for the rest of my life really pissed me off. I'm not even 20 years old and this pain can bring me to tears if it gets bad enough.

I've been very very angry(pain = anger)

Tuesday, The morning before I went to the doctor I also hit a new personal best on the deadlift. 315x10. Anger was fueling that one, Pure anger.

I needed a few day out of the gym. All this built up anger is gonna make for one hell of a workout Monday.
I have a very very very very very very very very very very annoying problem.
The problem is called a Pilonidal Cyst. This cyst formed right at the top of my butt crack. Sounds all haha funny but it's the worst thing I have ever experienced.

I found out I had one two years ago November. I went to my doctor and they referred me to a general surgeon. He confirms it's the Pilonidal Cyst and we schedule a surgery(remember this was two years ago, not now). I get the surgery. What they did is took out the cyst and a little of the tissue around it then stitched me up. Well it gone infected, as most do because of the location. So I go to the doctor and they num it up and cut it open, I still felt it though....
The next month was literally hell. Imagine not being able to take a dump without worrying about bleeding and ripping the wound wide open again. Imagine having to clean your wound with peroxide and seeing a massive second butt hole. Imagine not being about to sit down.

To this day I have pain. I can't sit in a normal position, it feels like someone is sticking a sword in my tailbone. This past Monday, I could have swore I thought the cyst was back from all the pain I was having. So I went to the doctor. He inspected the area and said the wound looked great and didn't see anything wrong in the area. He told me when they do this surgery they take the fat around the area, that may be causing me the pain because they basically took away my cushion.

The fact that I'm probably gonna have to live with this pain for the rest of my life really pissed me off. I'm not even 20 years old and this pain can bring me to tears if it gets bad enough.

I've been very very angry(pain = anger)

Tuesday, The morning before I went to the doctor I also hit a new personal best on the deadlift. 315x10. Anger was fueling that one, Pure anger.

I needed a few day out of the gym. All this built up anger is gonna make for one hell of a workout Monday.

My brother and I both had these. I caught it early and had to looked at. It swells every so often so I have to drain it. Luckily, no real pain.

My brother is on his 3rd surgery for it.
DE lower body day

Speed/power box squats:
Box is set at Parallel for height height.


Working sets
340 2x3

Accessory lifts:
Lower back
Hip mobility
Thursday ME lower body day


Warm up

Work sets

Speeds sets
370 3x3

Accessory lifts
Leg press
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Work-out gloves experiment officially over:

With just a week or more of using them, I can tell that using gloves even once in a while weakens my overall grip. Yet when I used no gloves my hands would either get tore up or there was pain from my flesh being torn off at higher weights but my Grip was solid. Based on that, I have decided to throw the gloves away, deal with the pain & move on. I will try to wipe the blood from the bars if I bleed on them. In a pinch, maybe I will try and use chalk but the bottom line is no more gloves for me...

I plan on doing exercises specifically to build grip strength including dead holds, bell holds & dead hangs...

Gloves just stink. Nothing wrong with using chalk.

I still destroy my hands with chalk on. I'll try to upload a video later of my hands after a heavy dead session I did a lil while ago.
Halloween crossfit competition today...dress up and work out. It was a team competition so that made it much more fun:) here's what we did:

First workout:
- 8 minutes rock climbing. Speed wall for reps.
*did 29 amongst the 4 of us

Second workout:
- 3 minutes wall balls: 10lb ball, 9 ft tall target (squat, throw a medicine ball up in the air to hit a target on the wall, catch and repeat)
*did 83 reps in 3 minutes
- 5 minutes to find 3RM of "bear complex" (power clean, front squat, push press, back squat, push press, touch and go to the floor)
*3 RM 90lbs...was hoping for 115lb but after wall balls, no way lmao.
- 2 minutes of wall balls
*did another 40 something.

Third workout:
- sled pull 200ft with 100lbs
- three rounds 15 box jumps, 15 kettle bell swings
- sled pull 200ft with 100lbs

Fourth workout:
- one run mile (whole team)
- 30 power cleans per gender at 95lbs for the girls (so 15 per girl), 135lbs for the boys
- 30 wall walks for time (don't ask what these are)

Our team won, with only two people out of four having experience with crossfit. My quads are toast. Lmao.

Oh this isn't a big box's a crossfit gym located beside a rock climbing center. It's nice, for a price.
