The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...

dang you must have some crazy huge lats lol

Well, it's actually my triceps that are improving on the dips, but I got a nice set of lats now too (pull-ups, dead lifts, rows, etc.) ;)
It's 1RM re-test week for me boys. Lets see how she goes!! Hoping for 300+lb Deadlift. Don't know what the front squat, bench, or overhead press will be but, they'll definitely be better than before.
Haha no worries.

And...Didn't get a video of it because we're not allowed in the gym I go to...but I hit a 315lb Deadlift 1RM for a PR. Up 40lbs from last last PR of 275lb. I had a mini adrenalin rush afterwards haha so happy to be in the 3 plate club!!!!!!!
I have heard that before but haven't actually seen it done in person which would be helpful. The sumo stance feels awkward to me when I try it but it could just be somthing I needed to get used to.

I am 6"9...

Answering 6ft9 doesn't answer how flexible you are in terms of reaching your toes lol. Your limbs and muscles are all in proportion to your height. From your videos you have a very flexible back in order to lift the bar off the floor, but I guess I was wondering more if you have tight hamstrings. Like how far can you go to touch your toes while keeping your back fully extended aka straight?
I actually hit a personal deadlift record today too.
I did 2 sets of 315x5. I wanna try and get to 405 by my 20th Birthday. I still have 8 months to go, so things are looking up.
um..... I can reach over & touch my toes......... I can reach over and lay my hands flat on the floor in front of me but my Hams instantly start to burn...But again, I can do it..

side note: I tried the "sumo Lift" last dead lift go around per your post. Felt odd but doable. Will record the next time I do it(if I remember) & post it to see what you think.... Am thinking my next dead lift session may be sometime between this Thursday-Saturday.

That is very good to hear about your bendiness. And good to hear about the sumo, thanks for offering to post videos on it!

Does your gym have squat racks with adjustable safety bars? You know, the ones if you bail out or they are used for rack pulls...because adjusting those to a more reasonable height off the ground might work for you too. Just thought of that lol.
Ye man! Endorphines, endorphines make people happy. It's just a natural side affect of exercise :)

Another PR today, this time on the Military Press AKA Overhead Press: FINALLY broke into the triple digits with a 100lb press. That's a 10lb PR. Ridin the PR high all week with these two... :D

This is my gym right now, but since I can't ring in the winter I'll be going to the gym/pool daily :) Can't wait!

[ame=]Parker Hurley Traveling Ring Santa Monica - YouTube[/ame]
