New member welcome thread

Sweet! Welcome aboard. :thumbup:
Hey guys,
just joined the forum last night. Have had my 2012 black & red FZ6R now for a few days. Have about 100km on it so far...would be more but the weather here in Ontario, Canada hasnt been very spring like since I bought it. This is the only forum I have ever joined but Im glad I found it. Been reading some really good threads and found quite a bit of helpful info. I'm hoping to find some aftermarket upgrades soon...seems to be a lack of selection available for us right now...maybe its just me but hopfully that will change as the bike becomes more popular.

Welcome :)
I haven't posted on here yet, but I guess I am still new enough to. I just recently purchased an 09 FZ6R in Feb. I got to put 300+ on it when I was home last (I work on an oil rig, no riding out here...) I spend a lot of time on the computer since I work 4-4 everyday, so I come on here a lot. This forum has been great so far, especially the mod advice/pics. I got some waiting for me at home (ninja mirrors, flushmounts, frame sliders, tankpad). I look forward to spending more time on the site and I will probably have to throw down some donations for it's awesomeness.

-Ryan Beuc
Hey FZ6R forum! I just got my FZ6R last week, and I love it! It's great to have an active community of fellow riders. Looking forward to using some of the great write ups already available in the forum.
Hello. I'm Adam. I'm a new rider and my first bike is the FZ6R. I look forward to learning from you all.
Welcome to the club!
Hi everyone
i'm patrick, I live in morocco.
I got contaminated with a rare xj6naked virus with arrow exhaust
Hope it's a cool forum and looking forward to discuss with u guys!
Welcome Patrick! This is the best forum you will find out of ANY forums :D. Yes, we are that cool! You will love it here. Lots of great people! :cool:

hi to all my name is moreno i just bout a fz6r black it is my first bike tryin to learn a litlle more about this bike, so far i like it specialy for a start and save gas now that my suv takes like 80$ on gas weekly.
