Intuitive No Cut Sliders


New Member
I ended up ordering Intuitives at the beginning of March, and they just never showed up. I gave up after waiting forever and ordered a set of Shoguns and OF COURSE both sets arrived last week. I ended up choosing to put the Shoguns on the bike instead of the Intuitives.

I think we opened the back to read instructions, but everything else is still enclosed in plastic wrap.

Price Change to $120 Shipped (OBO). PM me if interested and make me an offer. Thanks!



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please post a photo as per forum rules on sale threads! Thanks a bunch, might help on the sale as well!
My camera wasn't cooperating the first time around. I'll try to post pics when I get home tonight. Thanks!
No problem :) Just lookin out for ya! Usually people wanna look before they buy! ps. I am interested in these, Ill be talking to the wife after I see the pics!
I have some cheapys I bought from someone on here but they dont look very "Quality" compared to some others I have seen on here thats why I am curious

These are still available. Best Offer please. I also have a set of Shoguns still in the package as well (really long stupid story related to why I have Intuitives hanging around).

Regardless, Intuitive and ShoGuns brand new in the package are available. Please PM me for details and an offer.
