Camshaft specs... The next project!

If you can get me an SAE-corrected torque curve from your run (preferably the original run file; not a scan/screenshot), I could tell you exactly how top speed and acceleration would compare to a stock bike. If your mods changed the weight of the bike, I can factor that in too.
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The problem is drag.

I have the drag coefficient calculated for a stock FZ6R based on a stock torque curve (SAE-corrected) I found at one of the online motorcycle sites and a reported top speed of 125mph. My results will assume your bike has stock aerodynamics. You'll just have to remove luggage before you go to the drag strip and try to match my predictions :)

Torque numbers at 200rpm increments should give good results. If you don't have SAE-corrected numbers, I could do the conversion if you know what the air temp, pressure and humidity were.
It's at the bottom, maybe too small to read.

P=30.17 in-Hg

Some, better, many dyno have a "weather station already connect to the to make the corrects automatically so results are consistent. Tables for the factor you've list have been used by pilots for many year to determine altitude density.

Regardless, it looks like the cams are a wonderful upgrade. Interestingly a couple of the FZ6 guys have used R6 cams and got similar results.

Well done Marty!!! :D
Oh, I forgot a big detail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now it is official! YELLOW is the most bad a$$ color! LOL :p:wav:

Oh, I forgot a big detail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now it is official! YELLOW is the most bad a$$ color! LOL :p:wav:

And the winner is YELLOW.
You know why they call them "black" marks, because they are always left behind. :D
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Well done marthy!

Ps. My instructor is contacting a few people to answer our question ;)
camshaft specs

Thanks for the update marthy! Been following this post for a while. Sounds nice.
oh yah this is my first post. Hello everyone!! :thumbup:
I've been playing with the map... again. Just to fix some little flat spot on the bottom end on/off throttle and trying to minimize some of the exhaust popping. Wasn't that bad but it was bothering me a bit. All fix now, even redid the "presure map" (MAP sensor) so she's a nice and sharp now. Finalizing the setting on the acceleration pump. Since some of you are getting to the point where you need to get your valve adjusted. Spend the extra few $$$ to do that cams swap... I'm telling you, the bike is amazing with that set up. Combine with the exhaust and PCV it's a totally different bike.

I hammer it down last night in first gear on a back road in the middle of now where. The front end lift slowly... nice power wheelly! As a reminder... I'm now using +1/-3 on the final drive!

What a nice ride...
Its too bad we never meet while you where up here!
I have full access to a dyno, witch could have helped you with the gremlins!

Maybe next year!

Also the dyno time is free~!
That will be me! Gentleman maybe? Like Martin said this mod is great! Very happy with this cam mod. Bike runs great but at below 4k? I did not do this mod to ride at or below 4k anyway! Bike wakes up after 4k anyway and is a great job! Martin many thanks!!
And hopefully there will be another one with this mod coming along, I should receive my cams today!

Nice! You know it's not something you throw under the valve cover just like that... You either need to get your FZ6R cam gear machine to fit the FZ6 cams or buy the FZ6 cams gear (2), crank gear (1) and timing chain. Then you need to dial everything. Timing mark on the cam gear won't be accurate enough.

Intake lobe center: 102 deg.
Exhaust lobe center: 105 deg.

You also need a map that work for it. Most than likely a dyno tune or a run at least to make sure everything is safe.

So I opened up the box just now and it does come with the cam gears. So looks like I just gotta buy the crank gear and chain and then make this my project. Thank you for the information Marthy. If I start second guessing myself I may ask you a couple questions. But hopefully my background in cars helps me excel in motorcycles. This will be my first "big" project on a motorcycle.
