Kids and motorcycles :thumbup:


Sentient Being
Elite Member
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Heheh, imagine being a girl (an attracive one I've been told) and see the looks you get from the boys and I mean boys as in the age range of 5-12 (I get a totally different look from the older ones), its pretty funny. I have seriously seen there mouths drop open... THE BEST however is sitting at a red light and having a dad or mom with their younger girls in the car say something to me about how great it is that as a female i'm riding. Its great to know I'm showing little girls they can do whatever they want and that you don't have to be a boy to have cool toys! lol
i've had a few people eyeball the 6R when i'm passing by on the highway. i usually just wave back, since i kinda have to pay attention to riding,you know? :D

probably my favorite moment (sadly i was in my car, not the 6R)..i was sitting in my car at a stoplight, when a guy pulled up next to me and told me "you need to fast and furious that bitch!" priceless! haha
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When I was a kid, seeing someone on a sport bike was just amazing to me. I guess I could compare it to seeing a fighter pilot or astronaut in person. I would always get the WOW factor... Didn't think I would ever have one...

Anyways, I've had a few kids come up to me while at the store. I absolutely love talking with them. I let them sit on the bike (with parents permission) and start it up and let them Rev the engine. I want those kids to have the WOW factor like I did when I was little. Just for a brief moment, we are there super hero! :thumbup:
I was parked in front of a gas station a few weeks ago, and as I was putting my gear on, a small child walking by with his mother stopped mid stride and just stared at my bike. I could hear him telling his mother he wanted to sit on it, and I heard her say" that's not your bike, that's his". She let the child walk over to me, and he asked me all about it( does it go over 30mph!, how do you stay on while riding fast??) so I told him if he asks his mother, he can sit on it. The mother reluctantly says yes, and the little boy hops on. Let him turn on the display, wide googly eyes reflecting from it. Even got a grin from the mother.
Yeah ya perv! LOL... kidding kidding.... attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder ;)

Nope my stipes are the original orange, I need to put up new pix of my bike since i have done so many mods to it over the winter... I def was a bit lazy on logging in here over the past few months... but i'm back now and gettin it in gear
My own kids love my bike. They wanna sit on it everytime is outside the shed. Me and my wife get out to work at the same time so when I'm on my bike, she follows me as much as she can so my kids can see me riding and wave goodbye on every stop light.
My own kids love my bike. They wanna sit on it everytime is outside the shed. Me and my wife get out to work at the same time so when I'm on my bike, she follows me as much as she can so my kids can see me riding and wave goodbye on every stop light.

That is so cool, I wish I could bid my little girl farewell every morning, I am a single parent! I will say it again, that's AWSOME!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!
That is so cool, I wish I could bid my little girl farewell every morning, I am a single parent! I will say it again, that's AWSOME!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Casey (aka) Hunter77!

I feel it. For me and my wife is already tough, I would imagine for you as a single parent.

Keep up the good work. :wav:
My own kids love my bike. They wanna sit on it everytime is outside the shed. Me and my wife get out to work at the same time so when I'm on my bike, she follows me as much as she can so my kids can see me riding and wave goodbye on every stop light.

I have my son ON my bike now. He is 8, full gear of course. The best is the looks HE gets from the other kids!! I get the what a horrible dad look from other parents lol! I will say though some are just amazed at us when we go into get coffee and chocolate milk, I get the typical questions how can I put a boy on a bike? Why would I do that? am I nuts? blah blah.... He is the best riding passenger I have ever had. He also loves going, and is dying to go camping this year off it.

I will say, it is the ultimate reward program for him. He does try extra hard at school, and clean up his room???? HELL YA!!!! lol!
When I go meet my wife for lunch, I usually take the bike. When I had my mirrored visor on my old helmet and we were in a Publix check out, a kid around 10 or so just couldn't stop staring at my helmet. Then finally he asked if it was a space helmet since it looked so cool. My wife and I got a pretty good kick out of that.

But when im all geared up and at a stop light and catch someone staring, I always wonder what they are thinking? Is it "Sucks to be him, he must be roasting in all that gear." or "Wish I had the balls to ditch this cage and get a bike. I always wanted to."
