What Not To Wear (while riding)

That one made me lol... xP

At first I thought this looked dumb.. then I kind of liked it.. then I decided it looked dumb again.. but I do like the colour of the visor

Well, I must say, I think that bike is fairly safe from being rear-ended.
hahahaha.... xP
this was from the moto gp crash recently with a few funny word bubbles... to help clear up what they were thinking... lol
No helmets, no gloves, no body armor, riding one-handed, approx 450 lbs of human weight, and riding in the big rig's blind spot... I'd say it's a home run here... lol
So here's the most recent one that I saw that just made me :jawdrop: No gear and horrible form to boot. Leaned over that far with form like that is just asking for a crash.


In the early days of motorcycle racing, this is how everyone cornered. "Hanging off" didn't exist. Although hanging off is now the accepted technique for decreasing lean angle and maximizing corner speed, I think you can ride both quickly and safely without hanging off just so long as you don't drag parts.

Calling someone stupid for not hanging off is a bit extreme.

It's a good thing that bike has the stock fender on it still. With a fender eliminator and that load on the back, it would definitely be an eliminated fender!! :eek:

Who needs lowering straps with friends like that!?

In case of crash, wrap body in soft material...preferably blubber.

Ok, ok...I'm done, now that I have officially been awarded a first-class ticket to hell. :spank:
if dude has to make a sudden stop, I doubt he'll be making babies afterwards

It was a warm day......
Just as an aside to the whole gear discussion..
The other day I was trying to turn around on a squirrelly gravel sidesloped road, and of course down I went. My GAP jeans tore like paper and I was doing what, 5mph? My SIDI boots did a great job of keeping my ankle intact (it was pinned under the bike). And my elbow was fine since my jacket has armor.

I ordered these pants when I got home:
Joe Rocket Ladies Alter Ego Textile Pants Competition Accessories

mesh with a removable liner. Problem solved.....

Happy I learned via a slow speed lowside and nothing major.
