The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...

Today was the start of my "Official" MMA training. I say "Official" because of who my trainer is. So I now do the Gym, Crossfit & MMA training.

In the past I have Boxed & done Karate.

I also as of today, am officially licensed by the Athletic Commission to fight. I had to get a specific blood test, a physical, a sports physical & go down to the athletic commission, ect.

I have an official Sanctioned fight scheduled for Jan 31st which will be available on Pay-Per-View as well as in person. I am very excited for the opportunity to legally fight in a venue such as this. I fight in the "Super Heavy Weight" division & will give more details sometime in mid Dec...

I am very excited about this.... It's similar to being able to take your bike on the track to see what you really got. In this case, I will be taking my body in the ring!

That is so cool... I wouldn't mind being a fighter, but I far away for being in shape for that. By the time I get all shape and strength I need I will probably be 50 years old.. ;).

In the other hand I do pretend to become an official mma referee. Actually looking into training and licenses. It doesn't have to become a full time job, more like a part time/hobby thing.

If you ever around we can always scramble so I can get the rust of my jiu jitsu. ;)

Congrats and let me know the details, I will gladly watch and root for you.
After going back to the gym and had 10 solid workout sessions every other day, I have to tell you.

I'm so glad I started exercising again, I feel energized, I feel happy and my stress level is down. Still have a long way to go and weight wise results are little but I won't quit this time. I got my groove back.

Next step is get my cardio a little better and go back to my judo/jiu jitsu practices so I can kick Anthony's *** :D
I think the main purpose is not letting those weights go.

It could make a mess on that mirror or somebody's head. :zombie:

lol when whoever made up this exercise I don't think that's what they had in mind. Is it for core stability? Back strength? Grip endurance? That's what I was getting at. Because honestly all I see is a spine injury waiting to happen.
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Ok Mom I won't do it again...

LOL. I just wanted to know what it does...just because it's "new" or "hard" or "unique" isn't a good enough reason why it should be in a routine...if I designed programs based on that I'd be out of a job.

I'm not saying don't do it...I wouldn't do it, and I wouldn't tell people to do it, BUT, I'm open to hearing why it's done in the first place...
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in fact yes!! you do go check your rep comments haha

Man. All you guys with your reps. All I have is 2 and I feel like being in the 300lb+ Deadlift club should count for something. lol.

So...conditioning has been lacking lately, been focused on chasing numbers. After 1RM testing on Sunday, I'm going to focus more on sprints/runs, because I miss feeling athletic. My strength is more where I like it to be, so now it's just a matter of transitioning and using it in an athletic capacity.

My calves, especially my bad ankle one, are the downfall of my running. Just no power coming from them anymore, so these next weeks I think, will be focused on improving calve strength and explosiveness, with more emphasis on runs than lifting big and heavy. Upper body will still be some sort of strength, probably a 5/3/1 program, but lower body will be toned back a bit with the percentages so that I have enough recovery and am not over taxing the nervous system.

Runs are gonna start small...short sprints until I have the endurance to handle the longer distances as a nice fast pace.
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True story. haha. It's just so easy to with the number of videos he posts ;) Only input to make him better.
So new training this week, if you've ever heard of contrast training, that's what I'm doing now.

It's pretty sweet. Do very low reps for heavy weight super set with the same movement at a much lighter weight. Builds explosive power.
Weighed myself again today, put on 8 pounds in the last 29 days.

Sitting at 155 lbs right now.

Not gonna lie, I preferred telling people I was 147 lol :p
