The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...

On my way back to the top.

Todays Workout:
Bench Press:
95x8 135x8 185x5 205x5 225x3 250x3 265x1 275x1

DB Bench:
(Weight for each hand)

Reverse machine flys
tricep push downs
Skull Crushers

This workout marks a big day for me. At the beginning of the year I had some injury and had to quit weightlifting for a while. This workout shows I'm increasing my lifts again. Very happy with the progress over the past month. Still have a goal of 300 bench 400 squat and 500 deadlift. I'm getting there!
Went into the gym and started doing my full body workout, thought I looked a bit smaller than usual (DEM INSECURITIES).

Went back to doing splits again lol.
LMFAO u shrunk in a week? lol did you weigh yourself to prove shrinkage because of full body workouts lol

I just looked in the mirror and thought to myself "I could've sworn I was bigger"

I dunno I just like the feeling of doing a good split and having an intense workout that just doesn't feel the same with fullbody.

I gave it a chance, decided it wasn't for me, so I'm going back to what I like.
As the weight goes up, the form becomes more important. Instead of trying for a 1 RM today I focused more on heavy weight form. This set with 8 reps shows fairly decent form. Chest out, shoulders pinned back, legs spread properly, knees slightly out, hand stance wide, Proper grip, face forward, dropping deep with slow & steady reps as well as quick pausing breaks mid set. Now, if only I can keep this form at 405LBS +.... Practice practice practice...

Squat - 315 LBS - 8 Reps - Working on Heavy Weight Form - YouTube

Only thing I'd say to work on is depth, seem a little high.
Squatting 155 right now.

Going full beast mode on my legs recently. Hopefully I can get my squat up to 200 before the year is over.

I'm sure that would add another 10 pounds on me easily.
Twist & Turn & Stretch: Keep it ugly

This movement is more difficult than it looks & you will feel the burn. This was my 4th set of this movement. The goal is to keep your feet planted & using your hips & arms attempt to swing the plates as high up as you can while you twist & turn.I hope to get better at this as time goes on..

Can't say as a trainer I'd condone this one...what's it's purpose?
I don't think Anthony has a purpose anymore it looks like he just wants to try one of anything and everything lol

Sent from my one and only iPhone 5 using Tapa 2 da talk

lol...there's some things you try to try and there's some things you just don't...I'd still like to know what it's purpose is.
