The official Workout, Exercise & Diet Thread...

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JT, I'm 5'10'' lol

I'll wear shorts to the gym next time and take a pic so you guys can see just how bad it is lmao.
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JT, I'm 5'10'' lol

I'll wear shorts to the gym next time and take a pic so you guys can see just how bad it is lmao.

Hahaha you're naturally a skinny kid though aren't you. I'm just looking forward to seeing your squat get to 2x BW;)
I look pretty decent sized from the sides, but when viewed from the front it looks like I just walked out of a concentration camp.

I'll get more suiting pictures later tonight.

Yeah Botty, it is impossible for me to gain any weight, no matter how hard I try.

You can have my gene that says "all food consumed will go to your a**". Luckily, my dad endowed me with a nice shaped booty otherwise I'd be a fat kid for sure. haha :facepalm:
Gym day: Adding sled pulls.

Bench Day:
- 105lb max. reps in a row (did 14)
- 5 x 15 tricep pushups
- 5 x 15 high bench rows @ 85lb
- 5 x 15 narrow grip lat pull down @ 110lb

Sled Pulls:
- 350lb x 60m
- 300lb x 90m
- 250lb x 120m
- 200lb x 150m
- 150lb x 180m
- 60lb x 60m

This sucked. But getting back into conditioning always sucks. That and not getting good sleep the past few nights. But. Happy I went.
Full Steam Ahead: New Bench Press PB at 355 LBS

Was able to capture on video a new PB 1RM on the Bench Press today at 355 LBS!

No Gloves! You can see me digging my calluses into the bar just before the lift to gain grip. A fella out of view said the bar was bending but you can't really see it on the video. I could however feel it. I am always happy when I achieve a new PB as it always motivates me.

Bench Press - 355 LBS - 1 REP - YouTube

Nice man! Just try to keep your butt on the bench more.

Butt off bench = no count in competition, but then again, they are strict with form at meets.
