stoplights, do you keep it in gear or nuetral ?



someone said they keep it in gear , to have a way out if someone potentially is going to rearend them.


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You answered your own question... ;)

Always in gear.


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I keep mine in gear at lights for the most part, unless I know I will be waiting a while and need my left hand for something.

That's pretty close to what I do. If it's a really long light and there are a number of vehicles behind me I might go to neutral but only to give my left hand a little reprieve from the clutch and then I go right back to gear.

I also take another precaution to help my situation out as well. I pretty much get into a lane splitting setup after I have come to a stop and the people behind me have piled up. This way if for some reason the jerk behind me does gun it then I am mostly out of the way already and they can potentially go right by my without hitting me.

I stop in my normal position in the lane and then after the person behind me stops ( I keep an eye out) I then move to the edge of the lane.

This has saved me some grief a few times now, Florida old fart drivers are ridiculous and notorious for rear ending bikes down here. Also doing this method always leaves me with a very good out in the event something happens. I don't have to swerve around the car in front me, just go straight forward mostly.

I have done this method a few times even with cops present and never had one issue, even had a couple cops give me a thumbs up as they watched me do my process.


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Even though I was preeched to keep the bike in first gear when at a stop, I still tend to put it in Neutral. Don't ask me why but its just me and I tend to test my luck with other people on the road even though I have learned first hand that almost everyone in chicago on the road can't drive :)


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I stay in gear most of time unless my hand cramps up. Until car behind me comes to a stop and i'm sure i'ts not gonna barrel over me,i'm in gear.


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