Hey man i had incorrect postage on your calendar, they didnt put enough on it so it was held in my shipping dept, they just came and told me. I paid for the additional and it got sent. I upgraded the speed of postage chosen to get to you quick.
Haha, I don't think I even put the link up last night, here it is. NOIZ 2 - Dubstep Mix 2011 by DjFusion by djnivek on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
hey kevin does your buddy that mixes the dub step / electronica have any mp3 or anything on itunes so i could put his music on my ipod to spread the love? that one song thats an hour long would be sick on my system in my car
haha, no worries man! I thought I had seen it as well, but wasnt sure. I found the other thread and it was just a few weeks ago so I just nuked mine. Jib-Jab is something we say on another forum I am on when someone reposts something. Everyone yells out JIB JAB! ie. its already been posted. Not sure where that originated from though