So I'm giving up the 5.0 status!

Good luck, bro'..
Best of luck meng!
Oh come on rook. We all know you just gave it up so it won't look so bad when you get a few criminal speed tickets, like me :) jk
:D how's work been treating you?

Well, unfortunately, the Bay Area isn't the quietest place like it is up in your neck of the woods....especially when we have places like Oakland who have shootings every freaking day/night (7 killed in the last 7 days...woohoo!:banghead:), with Richmond and Antioch right on Oakland's tail....keeping busy,that's for sure!!

Good luck with the testing. It's Friday, so here's one on me :iconbeer:
Took my test today. I'm confident I did fairly well. I should know the results in two weeks. (two weeks! Freak'n kidding me!!!) So I send out thanks to all who wished me luck/prayed. :)
Took my test today. I'm confident I did fairly well. I should know the results in two weeks. (two weeks! Freak'n kidding me!!!) So I send out thanks to all who wished me luck/prayed. :)

Good job man. You will get it, you deserve it.
