Over Inflated Tire


New Member
Ok so a quick story I thought I'd share with you guys.

Got on the bike yesterday and realized its been about 2 weeks since I checked my tires. I go over to my local Exxon, and put in 4 quarters to run the machine after I double checked that I was indeed low.

Topped off the front and back, I run 33/36. The front was @ 34 so I thought that was good enough, and the back (after I checked with my crappy gauge) was (I THOUGHT) @38. This is fine, I'm like cool it'll go down to 36 eventually and give me more time between air fills. Whats 2 PSI extra for a few days right? Later on I'll find out I didn't get a good seal with the crappy gauge and my reading was way off.

So la la la -- I go out to some familiar roads in the area with some limited twisties. One of my usual spirited riding routes...

Something was wrong -- very wrong. Bike felt stiff, took longer to come to a stop, all in all an awful feeling of "something is way off here".
I get to the twisty section and there is this one corner with a decreasing radius, blind setup. One of the most challenging corners for me to hold a good line while riding at a brisk speed. It's a commit fully or re-adjust awkwardly kind of corner. I love this corner, but it IS challenging for me. I must have taken it 200 + times by now, always working on my technique and keeping aware that I am somewhat pushing MY limits as I take it on.

I'm mid corner, I'm leaning, steady throttle increase... REAR WHEEL SLIPS. I instantaneously correct without thinking. I'm just about to let out an exhale to relax, when it happens again!


I pull over 2 miles down @ a spot where i usually take a quick smoke/water break. I check the back tire...

48 PSI :zombie:

I think I could have easily popped it.

I let some air out and everything was fine for the ride back home.
Don't rely on made in China stuffs even if they are simple as a psi gauge. Double check your setups, and keep in mind that even routine maintenance and regular everyday stuff (safety checks) needs to be done thoroughly.
A good PSI gauge is indeed good to have. Also though, do not fill your tires when they are warm. Check/fill on cold tires.
A good PSI gauge is indeed good to have. Also though, do not fill your tires when they are warm. Check/fill on cold tires.

+1 on checking cold tires.

Even if your gauge read 48psi hot, it may not have been as bad as you think. I sometimes check the psi in the AM and it reads 32 front, by the time I get to the gas station 1/2 mile away, my PSI is already up to 34... no error on the gauge, it's just the air in the tire heating up and increasing the pressure.

At that point I put the front tire up to 35-36psi. The next day in the AM I recheck again and the PSI is between 33 and 34 (as it should be).
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A good PSI gauge is indeed good to have. Also though, do not fill your tires when they are warm. Check/fill on cold tires.

sometimes you have to check/fill your tires when they are warm.
As long as you know how much pressure your tires gain when heated up you are good to go.

ie: if i set my tires cold, they usually gain 2-3 pounds when heated up.
I've also noticed a lot of mechanical gauges are inaccurate...

Nowadays I just read the gauge off my Black & Decker portable pump. It seems to work much better.

As people mentioned, check your tires when cold. Sport riding or high speed riding can raise the tire and air's temperature way higher than normal. I touched the tire on my friend's VFR after we had been charging around some really twisty mountain roads, and it was quite hot to the touch.
