Just wanted to gloat a bit

Brock Kickass

New Member
Tonight I passed my exam with the volunteer fire department I have been training with since last year. My yellow training helmet is gone, and I am now considered a Firefighter! It's a proud moment for me. Here's a silly looking picture to cheapen the moment :pImageUploadedByTapatalk1367891108.113727.jpg
Congrats! MY brother in law is a volunteer firefighter when he's not doing his full time job as a firefighter. LOL! He's over in Kuwait with his National Guard Unit.

I'm hoping the volunteer department will open a door to full time firefighting for me. Our department is rural and entirely volunteer, so I'll get to do everything full time firefighters do. Hopefully the experience gets me a career.
Congratulations man
Good job!!! Congrats. :thumbup:
Tonight I passed my exam with the volunteer fire department I have been training with since last year. My yellow training helmet is gone, and I am now considered a Firefighter! It's a proud moment for me. Here's a silly looking picture to cheapen the moment :pView attachment 29817

Congrats brother......best job in the world....regardless if you get paid or not. Keep on your Training Officer or Chief to take any courses you can at the OFC or any other certified provider. I was a volunteer and was able to get all my certifications done through my volunteer dept..
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Congrats :)
