It Happened (Not a Wreck)


New Member
So my buddy who rides an R6 was telling me about his worst nightmare...Riding through a swarm of bees.

Needless to say, his nightmare became my reality. I rode right through a pack of them. Luckily my jacket was zipped up and visor down, but they still managed to go up my sleeves. Only a couple stings but holy shit, I forgot how much bee stings can piss you off. Anyone else experience this?:eek:
yikes!!!! :eek::eek::eek::eek:

haven't had it happen yet...knock on wood. i did smash a dragonfly with my helmet though. that was pretty brutal.
Ouch, sorry Brother. As for me I've never gotten stung while riding however I had one crawling on the inside of my visor! That freaked me out! :eek:
I couldn't imagine getting stung ons motorcycle. My worst experience with bees was running over an under ground nest with the mower. By far the worse day of my life
more than one at a time OUCH!

I've caught on two differnet occasions a bee with my visor up, and had it crawl across my face -it is amazing how quick you can pull over and get your helmet off when you need to!

...and another time had one caught in the collar of my jacket and sting me on the back of my neck
Definitely sucked, but I kept riding until I knew I was through them to pull some stingers out :[

I couldn't imagine getting stung ons motorcycle. My worst experience with bees was running over an under ground nest with the mower. By far the worse day of my life

I couldn't help but LOL at that one...When you say that, this is all I can think of @0:21
[ame=]Tourette's Guy-Bob Saget - YouTube[/ame]
:eek: :eek: :eek: !!!

Not only would that be one of my worst nightmares, but it would probably kill me (allergic). I keep an epipen on me, but being able to pull over and get to it fast still concerns me. I couldn't imagine...
My friend is a beekeeper and I've helped him out a few times.
Bees don't sting unless they or the nest are threatened typically.
They would typically just fly off you without doing anything.

If you try and swat them away, they'll sense they are in danger and then try and sting you back. When they are quiet, If you brush them away or even pick them up without any worry or malice, they won't bite.

If they are making an angry noise, it means they'll bite you if you come near.

I found out first hand, that near a nest, if you get one bite, all the other bees nearby will also try and bite that point. (the goo on the back of the stinger gives off a chemical they can smell to let the whole tribe know where the danger is). So I ended up with about 14 stings right on the ankle (I didn't have boots on), then after I took the net off my head, one of them got me on the face.

I'm lucky, I don't swell up when bitten. (same as my brother and son).

Apparently its good for the immune system to get bitten.
Never happened to me and I hope it never does, that would not be fun or funny. Sorry anyone had to endure bees, wasps or anything. Hell my luck and I would get a couple of hornets in the face when my visor is up, maybe I should put it down more often.
Ummmm, I'm no expert here, but bees/wasps or otherwise do not bite.

On another note although having nothing to do with motorcycling.... A bee flew up my shorts on a hike once and stung me right on the a$$!!! I hollarred and cried for about 5 minutes. That was NOT one of my prouder moments.
I think there's a joke about sucking poison out in here somewhere, but I'll leave it alone...

OMG! I almost fell off my chair!! I was thinking the same thing!:D

Myself I have never been stung while riding...thank God...but I have been hit in the helmet by June Bugs resulting in a hell of a loud "crack".
Got stung on the face while wearing my mx helmet on the road instead of the full face. I don't make that mistake anymore.
I was out riding to the local drag strip to watch my dad race. When I got there and unzipped my jacket there it was, a yellow jacket crawling around on the inside. It died seconds later. Pretty scary as how I have no idea how it was able to get in there.
