It Happened (Not a Wreck)


New Member
Ummmm, I'm no expert here, but bees/wasps or otherwise do not bite.

On another note although having nothing to do with motorcycling.... A bee flew up my shorts on a hike once and stung me right on the a$$!!! I hollarred and cried for about 5 minutes. That was NOT one of my prouder moments.

Must have been a Honey Bee :D


Active Member
I think there's a joke about sucking poison out in here somewhere

I'll keep you in mind for the next time. ;)

Wow, my very first a** sucking volunteer! I don't know weather I'm happy or a little grossed out.



Cynical Member
Elite Member
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I'll keep you in mind for the next time. ;)

Wow, my very first a** sucking volunteer! I don't know weather I'm happy or a little grossed out.


"weather", bees do have mandibles. Well depends on what type as to whether they can bite or not.
I digress.

Got a Bumblebee stuck between a helmet and head once (old 3/4 face helmet), puffed up like a puffer fish, man pain lasted for couple of weeks, very painful.
Set worlds record for fastest helmet removal.
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New Member
It happened. I have the biggest welt on my neck. I was cruising home from lunch in full gear but didn't have my neck warmer thing on since its in the 70's today. Something smacks my neck and 2 seconds later its stinging. I guess it fell into the collar of my jacket and got me. My gf was on the back wondering why I'm punching my self in the neck lol. I'm dieing it feels like. I finally get home and jump off to get my gear off. God it hurts so bad. She couldn't believe I rode the rest of the way home.and it's a beautiful day to ride. And this happens. Grrrrr, I remember seeing these threads and I was like what are the chances. I should have knocked on wood.


New Member
I've been stung in the face twice.....

Both times I had my visor up for just a moment and SMACK.... right in the cheek.

Needless to say my friends nicknamed me baby-face....


Senior Member
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New Member
Man that really sucks. Hopefully I won't ever run into that scenario. Worst I've had happen so far was a bird hitting my faceshield. It made a ping sound and went right over the helmet. That freaked me out bad enough, I can't imagine having bees sting you while riding.


Monster Member
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New Member
A buddy of mine had a cigarate butt tossed out of car and found its way into his open face helmet....that must suck balls

Hope that never happens.
