Is it bad to go from Synthetic back to regular oil?


New Member
My bike only has 1500 miles on it but the previous owner already used Yamalube synthetic on it :confused:. I just read that it's not a good idea to use synthetic so soon because the engine is not fully settled yet. Should I keep using synthetic (thinking about using AmSoil next) or change be to regular dino oil?

Thanks in advance.


New Member
Keep using synthetic. Thats bogus to use non synthetic oil during break in. I change everything I own to synthetic immediately. Weather it has 2 miles on it or 200k it doesnt matter. See marthy's engine swap thread on what a synthetic engine looks like to a non synthetic engine looks like.

dont go back. And dont cheap out...oil is the last thing you want to cheap out on because its what lubes your clutch and keeps everything lubed and running smooth

Corvettes come with synthetic oil in them :)


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See marthy's engine swap thread on what a synthetic engine looks like to a non synthetic engine looks like.

It is not the oil, it is the additives and detergents that accomplish this. Mobil 1 is a really good oil, not so much because it is a synthetic, but because they load it up with detergents. Changing your oil regularly makes more difference than whether you use a synthetic or non-synthetic. Anything else is advertising.

One thing to note is that riders in the Iron Butt Rally often ride 10,000+ miles in under 2 weeks. Maybe 2% (1-2 riders out of 100) change their oil during the ride. They can do this for two reasons:

a. The engines stay warm, so no water accumulates in the oil.
b. The engines stay warm, so there is no warm up/cool down high wear cycling of the cylinder walls.

Most of them buy their oil at Wal-Mart (as do I). I've seen a parking lot full of guys preparing to run thousands of miles, putting Mobil 1 from the Wal-Mart next door in their bikes.

Given the pressure differentials faced by a piston ring scraping against a cylinder wall during break in, using or not using synthetic during the break in period is, IMHO, a silly debate.

Corvettes come with synthetic oil in them :)

It's called product placement. Watched "The Closer" the other night. Had Twizzlers prominently displayed during the show, along with Twizzler commercials in the breaks.

Think about how often you are manipulated by the marketers/advertisers next time you're in the store buying toilet paper. But, but, but (intentional) theirs isn't as fluffy and soft as ours, therefore if you buy that other brand, you're a barbarian. Or, "More Moisturizers!". Or, "Now with more sheets per roll!" (strange how the rolls are the same size).

As if.

I consider the Amsoil zombies to be part of this crowd. Just like when your cousin becomes an Amway distributor or a coworker hosts a Tupperware or Pampered Chef "party". I try to decline to participate politely, but usually end up saying something offensive.

[ame=]Gran Torino - Get Off My Lawn _HD - YouTube[/ame]



Super Moderator
You can switch back and forth all you want... will not hurt anything. Just make sure you change it when you should and you will have no worries.


New Member
well if you switch you lost the clean benefit of synth,,,,


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waiting out winter
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Cynical Member
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Marthy pointed out that the issue wasn't synthetic versus mineral oil, but what happens when you neglect changing your oil no matter what you use. That sludge will build up just as easily in synthetics as it will in mineral oils.

I understand that. But it would give a good understanding between oils and how proper versus improper maintenance affects things over time.


New Member
Short answer is NO!

There is absolutely no reason not to switch to Dino!

There are valid arguments as to the benefits of breaking in with Dino rather than Synthetic but with today's quality of manufacturing, some older arguments have become moot. If you are willing to throw away good money, then keep buying Synthetic. Most of the benefits of Synthetic oil, however, are of little benefit for the duration it is in your engine (assuming regular oil changes.)

Amsoil is mediocre oil at a premium price. Amsoil, the company, is good for providing eye candy to motorcycle events and shows though! :-D

IMHO, your best bang for your buck is Shell Rotella-T and a regular, reasonable, oil change interval. ;-)


New Member
[ame=]How to change the oil on a SR500 - YouTube[/ame]

Yamaha SR500 oil change. Funny.



New Member
I know that you may be considering the use of synthetic oil in your bikes. But you really should Very cautious of synthetic oil! It can do terrible things both to you, and to your bike. Synthetic oil will not only leak out of your engine faster than you can put it in, but it will also cause your oil filter to clog and implode, dumping debris and dirt into your lubrication system. It also will make every part of your bike permanently slippery because of its linear molecular chain dispersion action.

Then it will leak onto your kickstand causing it to retract automatically and without warning, dropping your bike flat on the rocky ground! But that's not all . . . . Synthetic oil will round off your gears and spin your bearings. Synthetic oil will also splatter onto your seat causing your girlfriend to fall off in the apex of a turn and then she will never ride with, or sleep with, you again. Synthetic oil coats your oil sight window with a whitish pro-emulsification additive that is both non-removable and highly corrosive. Synthetic oil will completely leak out onto the ground overnight, force your favorite dog to drink it at gunpoint, and he will then die a slow horrible writhing death.

Synthetic oil will wear out your tires and make your battery leak. It will give you the desperate need to urinate after you put your full leathers on and then jam all your zippers shut. Synthetic oil will contaminate your gasoline causing your bike to stall on railroad tracks and accelerate uncontrollably near police cars. Synthetic oil will make it rain during rallies and on every weekend. It will causing your cam drive to jump teeth and break your valves to bits. Synthetic oil chemically weakens desmodromic valves and causes the clearances to change every sixteen miles. Then it melts the black soles of your riding boots night before you walk across your new carpeting.

While riding past groups of attractive women it will cause both of your handlebar grips to slip off at the same time so you smash your windscreen with the bridge of your nose. It also causes your swingarm to crack, your studs to break, and your rotors to warp. Synthetic oil then voids your warranty by changing your odometer reading to 55,555 overnight. It also dries out your wet clutch and wets your dryclutch. It makes your clutch cable or slave cylinder seal fail in the heaviest traffic on the hottest day of the year while putting an angry wasp in your helmet for good measure.

Synthetic oil hides your 13mm socket and puts superglue on your earplugs. Synthetic oil will scratch your face shield and make your gloves shrink two sizes the night before track day. Synthetic oil will then steal your neutral and sell it for $1.25.

So let's be careful out there


New Member
I'm down to these 2 synthetic choices. Royal Purple and Amsoil. I read good things about both and both are premium brands.

Which one would you use or have used? Please share your experience if you have used either of them.

much appreciated.
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New Member
It want hurt anything to go back to regular oil. Some people say it will jack your engine up but them be the people that's changing your oil so they can keep hitting you wit that higher price. I was running synthetic in my car from 80k to about 125k then went back the guy said your engine is gonna fail. I got over 225k on it now. Just change your oil like required it will be fine. I run regular in my bike, two cars, and truck.


New Member
It want hurt anything to go back to regular oil. Some people say it will jack your engine up but them be the people that's changing your oil so they can keep hitting you wit that higher price. I was running synthetic in my car from 80k to about 125k then went back the guy said your engine is gonna fail. I got over 225k on it now. Just change your oil like required it will be fine. I run regular in my bike, two cars, and truck.

granted some may be better than others and less crooked, BUT the guy changing your oil for a living is more knowledgeable than you most likely on oil. When I worked for ford we had a saleen liscense. They required us to take lubricant training from the shebly and saleen production team before we could lay hands on the cars. I change my own oil so I dont care what you buy or who does it. All I know is the tests Ive seen first hand and use of the products all my life, and my father used mobile one in his truck since the early 1974 when it came out. He used amsoil in his vette for years. The engine on the vette has been taken out for performance mods and so fourth and the thing is clean as a whistle. My uncle uses conventional Valvoline....same oil change schedule and he is a frame mechanic for thundercar/nascar...his engine always looked all black and gummy. Visually seeing it myself and how problem free every vehicle my dad owned since I can remember, along with my own....Ill feel confident and safe to say synthetic is what goes in all of my vehicles and bikes. Its not advertising buzz or to steal money from you. If you buy your product right and do it yourself YOU recieve the benefit. Where you get schooled is when you pay someone else the premium for the product and then the install of it.

I get so annoyed with the naysayers and the people who say its a scam. Do your research, dont call it a scam as there are proven reasons why it gets used. Why would the Vette come stock with mobile 1 synthetic, or the cadillac CTSV....why would high performance vehicles REQUIRE synthetics....they stand up to the tests dino oil doesnt over the long haul. Of course regular oil changes are needed, and you pay a premium for a better oil. But id rather pay $3-6 more a quart to ensure a much better product is going in my bike or car and can insure myself Im doing whats best for my machines.

You can say what you want or think im an idiot, but I stand behind my belief. I am not a brand loyal person, but do I think some are better than others, of course.

If you dont believe me here is an unbiased comparison of the oils on the market today White paper-g2156.pdf


World Most Bad A$$ 6R
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there are alot of rookies out there so I wanna reclarify a little for them.

:thumbup: thanks marthy were both on the same page lol
