FZ6R Sightings

Saw a white 6R going North bound on the 57 freeway and what looks like was turning onto the 210 east. I was booking it through traffic when I spotted a familiar site. WHO YOU BE?!?
This guy was hauling ass (safely, and within the speed limit), looking darn good, riding like the wind and leaning the few corners on the backroads around Hartsville, SC like a pro (sort of). Who was that geared-up, sexy rider? Oh wait, it was ME! LOL. Not another FZ6R for who knows how far around here.

I'm representin! I carry the FZ6R flag proudly and with honor! If I ever see another, I'm gonna chase his/her ass down and, if it's a woman, ask her to marry me. If it's a guy, he's going to hear "FZ6R-forum.com so much, he won't be able to sleep until he's a member. LOL.

It's my night off. :iconbeer::iconbeer::iconbeer: Cheers!

lol u wont be alone for long!! i get back in the beginning of august..first thing is to take the riding class then straight to the dealership! :D
I saw a black FZ6R yesterday afternoon at exit 328 off interstate 75 in north Georgia. That is the first one I've seen in my area, other than mine.

where are you in N.GA? i went to college in Dahlonega and im planning on moving to Gainesville around the end of august. maybe we can take a ride.
Saw a Black / Gold 6R in Upland, IN while at Ivanhoe's on 6/30. He waved back while cruising by, but I'm not sure if he could see our white 6R. Thought he might turn in, but he just kept going. Guy had a fender eliminator and what sounded like a Two Bros. exhaust.
Saw this people yesterday right next to the Chandler Fashion Center while driving with a friend.



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Saw a fellow Cadmium Yellow 6R pass going the opposite direction on the expressway today. It is only the third time I have seen another 6R in Rochester since I moved here a year ago. First time seeing another yellow one too :)
FZ6R Sighting

So I finally saw my first FZ6R (other than mine) out on the road on Monday morning. I was riding down from Los Angeles to San Diego to meet my fiancee at the SD Fair and as I was getting over to the right lane to exit I saw a girl on an FZ6R fly by me. I think it was a girl at least. Had pink gear but you never know. Anyway it was my first sighting and I was wondering if that might be a member on here. If it was you let me know!
Late post but I saw a Raven FZ6R at around 9am on Monday or Tuesday at the corner of Warner and Newland. They were turning onto Newland.

Are you on the forum!? :)>

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Saw a copper FZ6R in southwest Philly today at the 86th street and Lindbergh intersection. Only the second time I've seen another fz6r in the city. Is this anybody here?
