The kind of dealers to avoid

Their inventory is wack. They have like a gazillion black r6's but none in any other color. lol.
Sad I guess. Other dealers will buy that inventory at a discount and sell it at a discount too. That's what usually happens I think.
Being the Curious George monkey that I am, I called OCYamaha. And, yes- they have some really great deals rt now. They said they're moving/ downsizing- not completely closing.

That said, the price quote they gave me on the phone for a new 2012 is the lowest I've gotten. (The only lower quote was last January from North Hollywood Yamaha for a new 2011).

That said, the sales guy told me that my 2010 R6 is a damn good bike and that I should keep it. LoL. Usually sales ppl say anything they can to make u sell or trade in ur bike to buy one of theirs. This is the first time the guy actually asked me "why?" :)
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Yah, that's how it sounded.

They're pricing their bikes really aggressively tho. I've called around, and their OTD price is at least $1400 cheaper than most other dealers. The sales guy even said that's all he can quote over the phone- but that if u go in person that they'll sweeten the deal even more. Why can't every stealership be this cool and straight forward? Lol...

Still, I'm just not sure that I'm ready to ditch the R6 yet- since I still really love riding it a lot. But, before I get too old, it would be nice to at least once own & ride a liter bike.
OC Yamaha is officially closed for good as of this past Saturday... :(

That said, I pulled the trigger and got a great deal on a 2012 R1... (My first truly "new" bike with me being first owner on the title.) The dealer sensed my hesitation due to its size & weight. But, they were like, "We never give test rides, but we're closing anyways... So, just c'mon down & we'll let u test ride it." So I hopped on the train from LA and they picked me up at the station. Super nice guys (Devin, Jeff)...

My first impressions were, holy cow this is like my R6 on steroids. U don't really feel the weight except when cornering- ie I can't flick the R1 with my thighs, like I can the R6. But, the power more than makes up for it. Just have to really mark your entry & exit points accurately and mind the throttle. I'm going to street it for a while and after the tires are scrubbed in then take it for a maiden voyage up ACH. Will have more feedback then...

In the meantime, the modding has already began. :)


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LOL.... x.X

Well, i know I kinda over-extended myself. But, the deal that I made with my family is that I'm only allowed to keep 1 of the 2 girls... :( They understand that I'm crazy for bikes and that I wanted to experience a liter bike before i get too old- being that I'm in my mid-40's already.

So they let me splurge- on the condition that after 6-8 months- I part with one of them. But, we'll see... My sister will kill me otherwise tho. x.X

Deal was around $10.3k plus tax & lic- ie under $12k OTD. That figure already includes a few hundred for them, which I was ok with- given how low the quote was to begin with. (If u were to shop around, most dealers want $13k plus fees easily- at best maybe $13.5k OTD.)
