ATGATT yeah but.......have you ever ?

We dont kev, we just hope that you dont go down after having the TBR and get hurt because you dont have the proper gear. Just make sure you got what you need to be safe before any frilly stuff ;) pictures :( lol

on the 'your cage' thread, she had a picture that proved it, but it mysteriously disappeared within minutes and a new picture of just the vehicle popped up. :(

anyways to get back off topic, i used to keep my bike at work, that was literally 3 houses down a residential street, (no traffic in that town of 500) and i would ride back from there in just jeans, tshirt and helmet, to pick up my gear at home.

and like some, i still need to get boots. i wear my redwing 8"ers, but its just not the same.
so u missed her semi nude pic she posted last night? lol
i knew i shouldn't have went to work last night. now i'm depressed. :(
Nice being a mod and being able to see deleted posts/threads... just saying :D;)

I didn't want to hijack this thread, so that is why I deleted it LoL. I don't want to be THAT girl. Plus people get really worked up over things like that and the last thing I wanted to do was upset someone, because, let's face it... someone would.

And the other reason is I was just kidding in my original post of having a smokin' body... I do not think I am all that great looking, so posting pics of myself to get shot down is not something I think I would enjoy very much. :eek: THEREFORE, I deleted both those pics (this one, and the one with my car) so my feelings wouldn't get hurt, more than anything else. :D

Remember, people can be cruel! Now, if I get a picture like that with my new bike, I may post in another section so the only people who want to see it, can. ;)
