This Weather - Depression is really starting to set in.

I just checked this guy's 10 day forecast, it's like 30's in the AM and 40's in the afternoon, with Ice, Rain, and Snow - so, I don't think he can just suck it up quite yet - I feel for ya man, that weather sucks, heck I rarely ride below 50.

Ouch, even I'd pass on that lol. It IS risky to ride when its cold if you have sport tires on the bike. My bt 016's don't get along with cold weather too nicely
Yeah, this is what I woke up to this morning, turning to rain, then sleet/freezing rain, then a few inches of snow on top by tomorrow afternoon. Yay Spring!

I got woken up to the loudest thunder I've heard in my life, I literally thought we were getting bombed by North Korea it was so loud. I've never snapped out of bed so fast. Its been storming for about a half hour, then clears up, then storms again, then clears. I feel like I'm in florida.
Been riding for 3 weeks now but only if the conditions are right. I won't ride if there is snow and the threat of morning ice on the road. It has been cold in the mornings (20s and 30s) but it isn't a problem with the right gear.

I find that the hyper sport tires on the 1000 aren't bad with temps under 50 but I think I will change to Sport Touring before the end of the season.
Wow, that's ridiculous, all I can think is be completely focused on riding once your season opens up, you will get your fill eventually - I guess when we are deprived of something its all that much sweeter when it happens, hang in there.
Keep that crap over there!
Beginning to hit you yet?

Not yet, but should be a wonderfull drive to work in the AM. According to the weather guys, supposed to start as rain, then freezing rain/sleet, and finally snow until evening tomorrow. It's litterally suppose to rain or snow for the next 5 days straight. :(

On a happy note, I go finish the paperwork and offcially own my new 6R tomorrow. :thumbup:
