Trying to inform my car forum on bikes, what do you guys think?

Great information, I agree with almost all you have said up there and it awesome that you put it all in one place ;)

Do add something about cruiser starters sometime, I started out on one and they are great bikes to learn on as well

I am curious how he thinks all you said is misinformation and what experience he has to have any sort of legitimacy in the matter. All I see him say is how your wrong and delete the thread, not any reasoning or information of his own.

Thanks! I actually put this into blog form as well so that if anybody wants a clean link to send around they can feel free. So you want to ride a motorcycle?

I believe i'm going to make that whole blog into a place full of information for new riders. From this post, to maintnence how to's.

Also I do plan to add some cruisers in there soon, I've been researching to find some good starter ones!
I think you should input that for those that want to start but want to make a sound investment in terms of raceability and cheapness the sv650s are great. There's a whole bunch on the track and there are tons of aftermarket parts for them, for when you improve.
On a side note, he picked really stupid things to argue about.
So what if someone asks for help in how to do this our that.. Can be the best rider out there but just not able to do our have experience about this our that like replacing grips or so.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

That was exactly my point. I had never done it before at that point. I did it on my D675 in like 3 minutes haha, he's just trying to act like my info isn't right because he didn't know 90% of it lol
What company are those insurance quotes through?

ispoolin said:
Insurance. I recommend full coverage. If the bike gets stolen it's not covered under liability. Insurance can and will get expensive depending on the bike you ride. Here are some quotes I received via Rider Insurance (Rider is only within a few states, so don't bet on getting this low of rates much of anywhere else unless you have 0 tickets, and are over 25)

Says it right above where the quotes are man :rolleyes:

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