Starting problem ?


New Member
Detrich, Your issue has happened to me before. It's only happened on hot starts. From time to time it doesn't want to turn over right away. I try 1 or 2 cranks and let off then try again a bit longer, and then try again and usually around 4 or 5 it starts up. I thought it was funky too, but since it wasn't consistent or often I just let it be.


New Member
Detrich, that happens to me to every once in a while after a long ride but i just twist the throttle a lil bit when i hit the ignition switch and kicks over the second time

don't know what it is but its happened about 4 or 5 times now:don'tknow:


New Member
i guess it's good i asked then, since i'm not the only one with the issue... keep the responses coming, as this will hopefully help many of us figure out why this happens. thanks. :)


Super Moderator
Could be slight vapor lock... Fuel in the lines could be vaporizing from the heat and takes longer for the fuel to get pumped back up? Try turning the key to on and let the pump prime for a little longer before hitting the starter.

All I got...


New Member
Man I had no idea you were having starting issues that day. Good to hear things are better now. It was good to finally meet someone from the forums! :D I may do the "Sunland/LakeHuges/Valencia run this Sunday. All depends if I can wake up!

This vapor lock thingy issue........hmmm....very interesting in my situation. How common is this on bikes that are fuel injected.


Super Moderator
Man I had no idea you were having starting issues that day. Good to hear things are better now. It was good to finally meet someone from the forums! :D I may do the "Sunland/LakeHuges/Valencia run this Sunday. All depends if I can wake up!

This vapor lock thingy issue........hmmm....very interesting in my situation. How common is this on bikes that are fuel injected.

My R6 has done it quite a lot and LOTS of other bikes do it. Common when running hard and stopping for gas. Thats when I've had it happen most. Doing a search on the R6 forum shows at least 10 people complain about it. Not sure of the exact cause, but its a theory...
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New Member
My R6 has done it quite a lot and LOTS of other bikes do it. Common when running hard and stopping for gas. Thats when I've had it happen most. Doing a search on the R6 forum shows at least 10 people complain about it. Not sure of the exact cause, but its a theory... wouldn't happen to know if its a Yamaha thing or if other manufacturers have it too?


Super Moderator wouldn't happen to know if its a Yamaha thing or if other manufacturers have it too?

I've seen a couple Fireblades do it, heard Triumph's as well so I think its a little more widespread :thumbup:

May be the vapor thing as well as bad gas? When I first got my R6 it would almost do it anytime I shut it off and tried to start it back up. I'd have to crack the throttle and hold it there for a few seconds before it would start. I used a good bit of Seafoam in a couple tanks of gas and its been really good about starting back up. Hardly does it ever now.
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New Member
yah, but only after lunch... before that and afterwards it started up every time on the first try. that's why i wasn't sure if i needed to worry about it or not... :eek:

i'm going Sunday, so hope to see you out there! :)

Man I had no idea you were having starting issues that day. Good to hear things are better now. It was good to finally meet someone from the forums! :D I may do the "Sunland/LakeHuges/Valencia run this Sunday. All depends if I can wake up!

This vapor lock thingy issue........hmmm....very interesting in my situation. How common is this on bikes that are fuel injected.
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