Some people I swear!


New Member
So, I pull up to Chevron to fuel up. As I'm about to walk into the store I was contacted by a male subject asking for gas money... As this point I'm seriously broke and really don't have any extra money! I shouldn't even be putting fuel in my bike broke! I felt bad for the guy and broke down, telling the clerk to put 10 bucks on pump 2...etc As I was walking back to my bike the guy drives off! Not even a F'n thank you, no hand shake... nothing! I was so pissed off!

I'm sure I got scammed, but hey I hope someone would of done the same for me if I really needed some fuel. If he did scam me I hope his conscience eats him alive! :mad: Sorry I just had to rant! Some people I swear!
I would be LIVID! This happened to me sort of when I was in British Columbia. There was a gentleman bleeding in the street and asked for cash kind of in a panic so he could get gauze at the pharmacy. I handed him ten dollars and said Id call for a paramedic and he said no I cant, no insurance! I stood there kind of in shock as he ran inside....he walked out just find but had a bottle of nyquil in his hand. I said I thought you were bleeding badly dude....he turned and looked at me and said "Piss off wank."....I wanted to punch him so hard haha, but Im very passive, so....I said wow some people are desperate and walked away to get back to the cruise ship.
Oh yea been there. I gave a kid at work $40 at Christmas time to"get his mom's Christmas present out of lay away" The little f%#@ker went out and bought drugs at lunch time with my money. Needless to say no more loans to co-workers.:mad:
Did you take his lunch money the next day?
One time, I was in New York city, and this little kid comes up and asks for money to buy something to eat, and his mom comes right up after him. I am love to help people out but I'm really wary of scammers, so I offered to buy them food, but not give them money, and the mom refused. I offered Chinese first, and she said she doesnt like that. I said, thats fine, I have time, we can go anywhere nearby, she still wanted the money. I just walked away at the point....

Can't believe these people with a kid in tow....
When ever someone asks me "can I get a couple of bucks" I always reply. "Sure, head on over to that store over there, the one with the Now Hiring sign in the window, fill out an application and you can get more than just a couple of bucks."
I would be LIVID! This happened to me sort of when I was in British Columbia. There was a gentleman bleeding in the street and asked for cash kind of in a panic so he could get gauze at the pharmacy. I handed him ten dollars and said Id call for a paramedic and he said no I cant, no insurance! I stood there kind of in shock as he ran inside....he walked out just find but had a bottle of nyquil in his hand. I said I thought you were bleeding badly dude....he turned and looked at me and said "Piss off wank."....I wanted to punch him so hard haha, but Im very passive, so....I said wow some people are desperate and walked away to get back to the cruise ship.

wow... I would of taken the nyquil! and his ass would of been hurting!
One time, I was in New York city, and this little kid comes up and asks for money to buy something to eat, and his mom comes right up after him. I am love to help people out but I'm really wary of scammers, so I offered to buy them food, but not give them money, and the mom refused. I offered Chinese first, and she said she doesnt like that. I said, thats fine, I have time, we can go anywhere nearby, she still wanted the money. I just walked away at the point....

Can't believe these people with a kid in tow....

poor kids grow up thinking that's how life works! People should apply for breading permits to have children!
The only one I ever gave money to was the one that said he needed a beer....
I never give the money, just the item being asked for. 90% of the time, if they are not telling the truth, they will refuse. Then 'F' them, they don't really need it now do they?
honesty pays! I like it!

Speaking of honesty... I was driving of NYC yesterday and I see this man holding up a sign... "Need money for Kung Fu lessons, Ninjas killed my family"... I almost gave him money for being creative !!!
Speaking of honesty... I was driving of NYC yesterday and I see this man holding up a sign... "Need money for Kung Fu lessons, Ninjas killed my family"... I almost gave him money for being creative !!!

The only one I ever gave money to was the one that said he needed a beer....

as i was entering a grocery store which sits next to a mcdonald's restaurant, a guy asking for money told me "i just really want a mcdonald's cheeseburger". as his luck would have it i actually had spare change in my pocket for the first time ever so i gave him the $1.50 i knew a cheeseburger costs (i know what it's like to crave a mcdonald's cheeseburger so i had some sympathy lol) and he went off

as i was exiting the store a little while later, the guy was back with cheeseburger in hand and thanked me. he actually came back and waited for me so that he could say thank you. kinda made my night :)

Had a guy ask me for money, he had the will work for food sign and all, so I asked if he wanted a job. LOL, first he looked at me and said he won't do sick shit and isn't going to blow a guy.... lmao! 15 minutes later I stopped laughing long enough for the tears to quit, then promptly explained my buddy owns a shop. I would get him a job and a place to stay for one month, long story short, he now owns his own home, STILL works there as a forman, and is married. I tell him I am sorry bout the married part, but hey, sometimes people get down. 12 years ago, still my freind.

Pride is hard to swallow, apparently so is another mans cock? lmao!!!! sorry just something we always joke about.
