Slightly peeved...

I get peeved when I see harley or enduro riders and they dont wave back, and I can clearly note they saw me.
After I'm out trying to ride and have waved back about 50 times already, I get tired of it and don't wave no matter who they are and concentrate on riding.
well its one thing if your in the twistys or talking just on a commute...freeway riding
I refer to Harley riders with the term they used in Southpark.....
I get peeved when I see harley or enduro riders and they dont wave back, and I can clearly note they saw me.

Same here because most of them NEVER DO!! It's different if we come on each other quick and its not noticeable because hell i havent waved to some just from paying attention to the idiots around me. But like you said when I know damn well they see me. AHHH
Hahaha... me too :eek:

I sometimes roll my window down and do it....I respect it and people have done it to me as well so I know full well they got a set of two wheels at home and I wave back. Hell I wave at bicyclists even when I am on the motorcycle.

Today on my way in to work, I noted 4 farquads that decided "meh I am to cool to wave back even though I clearly saw you wave for the past 5 seconds before we pass one another and I decide to give you a weird look because I am way more cool than you and My harley cost twice as much as my trailer-house" :wreck::wreck::wreck:

I wish a giant June bug would have smacked some reality guts across his face lol
I usually nod to other motorized 2 wheelers -if- they make eye contact.

Kids always seem to motion for u to pop a wheelie, which I don't know how to do anyways. Hahaha

I have these stickers on my cars now to show I'm biker friendly when I'm driving tho...


So I'm riding to school and theres a Buell rider that parks on the same street. Todays the first day I actually see the rider so I nod hello and park up the block.

As he is passing by all he says is Yamaha sucks and walks away. How annoying and confusing...I don't even care that he doesn't like Yamaha, that's his opinion and might be based on experiences. But was that really necessary....?

In my opinion...what a douche.

What an arse. In most instances like that, I respond with something real simple, usually just "Well eff you, too."

I ain't got time for all the jibba-jabba, talkin' 'bout, bad for the Yamaha...

On the topic of Harley Douches (as I so lovingly call them), my uncle, who owns a custom Harley shop and is actually the one who got me started riding, totally digs my new ride. My aunt? "Dood! What's with the rice-burner??? You coulda got a Harley for the same price!" Yeah, entry-level, lame-ass Harley, but I digress...

The point being is having been at multiple biker parties, douches are douches. Yes, a good chunk of Harley riders are judgemental, elitist, douche nozzles, some aren't. But hey, what can you expect from an American made bike? They cost a rediculous amount of money, and if 'Merka has taught me anything, it's that the rich LOOOVE their clicks and lookin' down them schnozes. Not surprising a lot of 'em don't wanna give Regular McRidesawces like us the time of day, let alone a wave. Really though, a lot of them buy Harleys to fit in. Me? I usually ride solo, anyways. I don't need to drop 20k to belong, LoL. Whatever helps ya sleep...

I don't let the wave or lack thereof bother me, though. Why waste the time being angry when it ain't worth it?
I got news for you guys. Up until I sold the Yammy, riding both bikes, I had far more sportsbike riders refuse to wave when I was (and am) on the Harley than Harley riders refuse to wave when I was on the FZ6R.

Both sides have an equal number of douches, and frankly, both sides arguing over who is the douchiest is pretty douchey in and of itself.

I find both styles fun to ride, in totally different ways. I wave to everyone. most wave back. But the truth is, for every doo-rag and sleeveless vest wearing Harley douche, there is an immature full face helmet and nothing else squid out there, and a fair share of both who bought theirs just to pose on. Yes, tons of Harley riders have never ridden it outside their city limits. But I tell you there is just as many fake ass liter bike owners who have never leaned their bikes more than a few inches and care more about their neon than they do ever getting a knee down.

Posers exist everywhere.

I have no problems or quarels I just hate when you can physically see they know your there and choose not to respond, doesnt matter what kinda bike...I say harley cuz thats what the last 15 times it happened this week consisted of

Seriously????? Cause..... hybrid... battery powered cars... a/c electricity.. all old tech.


he was speaking in regards to harley/buell being outdated technology.
