Seat Gap?


New Member
After putting about 4500km on by bike this summer I decided it was time to raise the seat due to slightly cramped knees on longer trips (anything over an hour). I'm 6' bang on, but I've got long legs.

Only thing is, when you raise the seat, it leaves a *FUGLY* :eek: gap between the frame and the seat. Anyone have any brilliant ideas on how to cover this up a little so it's not quite such an eyesore?

Thanks in advance!

p.s. knees no longer cramp... lovin' that part! :cool:
I have the same problem! I am really hoping this is somthing an aftermarket company addresses, corbin maybe :)
I have the same problem! I am really hoping this is somthing an aftermarket company addresses, corbin maybe :)

Is Corbin going to make a seat that remains height adjustable?? That's the real question.
I'll tell you in a week and a half. :p

You could put LED strips there.
I'll tell you in a week and a half. :p

You could put LED strips there.

And if you could get them to circle the seat, it would look like a UFO hovering under your ass!! :rof::rof::rof::rof::rof::rof:
You could line it with leather fringe. Then it would look like a millipede trying to escape.

Or - That spray foam that expands. It'll look like you're sitting on a cheese sandwich.

Or - Add model airplane wings, you can take off in the right conditions.

Oooooor - Install a Flux Capacitor and tell everyone you travel through time when you hit 88 mph. :p
You could line it with leather fringe. Then it would look like a millipede trying to escape.

Or - That spray foam that expands. It'll look like you're sitting on a cheese sandwich.

Or - Add model airplane wings, you can take off in the right conditions.

Oooooor - Install a Flux Capacitor and tell everyone you travel through time when you hit 88 mph. :p


Black rubber weatherstrip, place on bottom of seat on the sides. Get the oval hollow type that would compress down if you want to go back low for whatever. Cut the ends to fold over and glue to look finished.
Somebody have pics of before lift (well there is allot on www) but pic from after lift?
Did anyone ever find a nice way to fill this gap in? I just raised the seat today and am not sure I like the gap so much. The silver bolt definately needs to be painted black...
Isn't the Corbin seat just one whole peice? I like the looks of the two individual seats but the Corbin seat that I saw on there website looks to connect the passenger and the rider seats together..... :confused:
Hey guys so I was putting on my my quick charge plugs onto the battery when I discovered something. When I bought my bike the sales guy change the "height" of my seat but didnt change the base plate so that it actually affected the height. Now that I have changed it there is a noticable gap between the tank and the seat right where your grouing hits. Is there suppose to be this gap? Also if you grab the front part of the seat and lift up and down there is quite a bit of play in the front of the seat! Is this normal or am I just loosing it to the jet lag right now?
Well that would make 2 of us.... Anyone else? Jon? Mike?
the front tab that goes into the bracket attached to the bike itself: I used the fuzzy side of some velcro on it and that helped to reduce the gap and it doesn't move around as much. I couldn't find electrical tape, otherwise I would have just used that and kept layering it until it was a completely tight fit.

Also, the bracket at the rear of the seat is held on to the seat with one bolt through a rubber spacer. You can't tighten it enough to keep it from pivoting, so I used two flat washers... one on each end of the bolt, kinda sandwiching the rubber spacer. This put more pressure on the spacer and although it didn't completely keep the bracket from moving, it doesn't move around nearly as freely as before.

Bottomline: my seat is pretty much stationary now.

I had my seat raised for one day, and it felt very loose. On my way home from work, i felt something "shift" under the seat, and it turned out to be one of the rubber stoppers had come off. Luckily it didn't fall all the way out of the bike...

Anyways, I liked how the higher seat felt, but between the looseness, and the gap, I went back to low.
