Retro Fit kit

This seems like a good deal..only problem is that I don't know if I'm gonna be able to bake and pry the headlamp. Once I get back home from vacation (cancun) I'm gonna read more about this and probably do it.
okay mayself and one other has paid...3 need to those who sent me the pm should be able to call and place your order with nate via paypal or credit card
I just e-mailed Nate for a paypal address and total. I'll let you know as soon as the payment goes through.

Waiting on a response back from Nate. Will update after I'm paid
this is awesome so glad i started this...cant wait till they ship...and i hope that when we get the first one done with pics that sales for them will pick up and we can add another mod to the available aftermarket list:iconbeer:
Received the invoice this morning and paid immediately. Now all I need to do is pick up my new bike tomorrow :D Thanks again for setting this up!
Received the invoice this morning and paid immediately. Now all I need to do is pick up my new bike tomorrow :D Thanks again for setting this up!

no pleasure to help fellow FZ6R's out when its comes to a good deal
Got my invoice this morning. Paid, Paid, & Paid! :cool:

4 more?
we have 5 125 will stick...if we get 5 more the price drops another 15$
we have 5 125 will stick...if we get 5 more the price drops another 15$

Yea thas what I meant, 4 more until 110. Lets go FZ6R-ers! You know you want a kit!
I might be interested in a kit. I do a good bit of riding at night and the high beam is kinda wimpy. So to get in on this I just need to email Nate for a price and Paypal him the cash? Thanks.

Okay, in for a kit. Forgot to look up the shrouds to see the difference, so I just went with what everyone else was using. Heh, ah well hope you guys picked a good one.
