Random thought


New Member
I have a Scorpion EXO 400 helmet that has suffered a pretty nasty fall off my bike onto asphalt. (yeah sucks huh?) So I have a new Seven Zero Seven Backlash helmet. Anyways heres the random thought I had...instead of throwing away an intact helmet that doesn't meet safety standards what are some ways of reusing or recycling it?
you could plant flowers in it?
A planter? eh, my wife said cut it in half and hang it like a picture.
Flower pot
Turn it into a lamp... (cut hole it top and mount stem + light. Helmet is the base)
Turn it into a computer.. mini-itx.com - projects - itxhelmet
Use it as target practice
Wear it around when doing anything... Mowing lawn, driving car, weed whacking, etc.
Use it for a Halloween costume
I like the cut it in half and mount on wall idea.

Lots of possibilities...
Ive a friend who turned his into a mail box,he wrote mail across the visor, he put it a bit of the way up a post (about 3 foot) and then at the top of the post (which was about 10 foot long) he put his old mail box and wrote bills on it.
You could use it to rob a party store, that way when you are wearing your new helmet the cops won't recognize you.
Cut it and shape it like an open face helmet, get a fake DOT sticker and sell it on eBay.
Some cruiser dimwit will buy it.
Lol I forgot all about this post, I found out what to do with my helmet though. I sold it to a coworker who was going to use it while bass fishing in the winter. Doesn't need the protection he just wanted to stay warmer and keep the moisture off his head.

Im a fan of range therapy I love to see what different rounds do to stuff, old helmets blow up quite nicely
