Promise Ring Question?


New Member
Ok, so ummmm, yeah........ What finger does the promise ring go on? I'm thinking about getting my girlfirned a ring very soon... So help me out peeps!
Same finger as the wedding band (left hand ring finger). But if you/she don't feel like dealing with people asking if you are engaged, wear it on the right hand.
Always goes on the right hand ring finger.
yah. before I got engaged to my wife I got her a promise ring and she wore it on her left ring finger. Same as her wedding ring.
the reason I say right hand is it avoids her having to explain every time someone asks are you marriied, why wasnt I invited, and is that your engagment ring, its kind of small?

which then denotes the positive of the actual ring.
I have no say in this whatsoever... didn't even get my wife an engagement ring... With all my friends on their 2nd and 3rd marriage... I wasn't feeling too good about it all... but, I promised her if she stuck with me, at ten years I'd get her the biggest diamond ring I could afford.... ten years later and that made her day because I brought her with me and we picked it out together :)

I know... such an anti-romantic...

Straight from the truth (or wiki-pedia anyways)

"Promise rings can be worn on any finger, but those symbolizing pre-engagement are generally worn on the left ring finger; sometimes, the left middle finger or right ring finger is used instead to prevent confusion with an actual engagement ring."

I like this...and, no, you're not an "anti-romantic"...just being smart. When my husband bought me a promise ring, I wore it on the left hand where the wedding rings go; then, when he proposed w/ the engagement ring, I moved the promise ring over to the right hand. But what finger does SHE want to wear it on?
Left hand. I have one and i just feel like the only ring (besides normal rings that us girls wear) that should go on the left ring finger is your wedding/engagement. I thought I read awhile back that there is the unofficial place for a promise ring...but enough of my ranting...right hand ring finger :)
Anybody who buys their girlfriend a "promise ring" is a dumb mook. It is a complete and total invention by the jewelry stores to sell more rings.

I do agree that needing two rings (engagement and wedding band) is an invention of the wedding industry, but I had a different approach and reasoning.

I bought my fiancee a "cheap" (under $200) plain gold band to propose to her. I surprised her with it, proposed, and she said yes. Then the very next day, we went out to a couple jewellery stores and found her a ruby ring as her real wedding ring. The plain gold band was disposable, in a way, but can now also be used as a "travel" ring, when we wouldn't want to risk losing her ruby.

You see, I wanted to be able to surprise her with a real ring when I proposed, but I also want her to be able to choose her own ring for the actual wedding ring. It's VERY important that a woman get the ring she wants. I'm guessing less than 10% of men would be able to choose their fiancee's a ring that they would love and would have chosen themselves.

So I wasted $200 on a ring just to propose with. But we're not going to bother with an official "wedding band". We're just going to use the ruby for everything now. In the end, I spent a little and saved a lot, bucked tradition, but managed to be romantic.
I'm confused by what a promise ring represents?

I promise to get you a better ring? (That's really engaged)

I promise to ask you to marry me? (That's really engaged)

I promise I won't mess around on you? (This implies it's been allowed until now)

Just curious because I don't get it.
My thought on a promise ring was this,
Someone is more committed than the other, so it is to appease, normally the woman that the man is committed. I've known many people to have promise rings, but most times they both wear them.
Love ya Rook, so don't take this the wrong way but...

Anybody who buys their girlfriend a "promise ring" is a dumb mook. It is a complete and total invention by the jewelry stores to sell more rings. A ring to symbolize a promise to someday buy an engagement ring, that symbolizes the promise to someday buy a wedding ring? Ho-lee christ.

Don't do it dude. If anything it just confuses the issue, and cheapens the engagement ring, which is what she's going to wear her whole life (theoretically.)

Promise ring. :rolleyes: Just get her a nice pair of earrings are something fashionable if you need to get her a gift.

OK, rant over.

haha.... Thanks brother, never really thought about it that way... ;)

Who cares what gimmick it was from the ring company. My b/f didn't drop loads of money on the promise ring...and besides just being a promise to each other...i got a nice ring. In general i have a nice piece of jewelry to proudly wear on my rook, if you want to get your girl a nice piece of jewelry while at the same time making a promise to her to always be there for her and other things (its not that we forget, but sometimes the guy making an effort to TELL us again, is really nice) just go for it!!
