Need to find this bastard in SoCal!

The last report I read had the Avenger swerving onto the right sandy shoulder and he over corrected to the left, launching him into the bikes.
Yes but if the avenger would have a head on collision with the civic then I imagine everyone would still be alive, there is a higher chance since their in a "cage" with the airbag systems etc.
if there were 12 motorcycles in a caravan and the civic crossed DY from behind, if it's a straight road, wouldn't avenger have see it from the distance? maybe he wasn't paying attention? there are some details that are not too clear...
And there are those people here that wonder why police officers can be so jaded, why they just don't "give me a break" and "why they picking on me"...It's because they deal with this type of stuff day in and day out...face to face. Having to tell the families they lost a loved one due to an errent driver. Every single time they drive down that road now, they are going to see that horrilbe collision scene, see those people that lost their lives in a tragic, pointless collision. And, you want them to be nice and give you a break when your driving like a fool? I'd be out there the next day hammering the crap out of that road not giving one break, so that, in hopes I wouldn't have to see another innocent person lose their life. It's hard to live with that burden.

Ranting done...Food for thought.

Ride safe out there and be vigilant and have an excape route.
