Just got out of the hospital. I messed up.


Super Moderator
Well, my turn came around. This is painful physically to type, I am hurting really bad right now. Thank God for pain meds.

Was looking forward to this ride since last week. We were going to do about 400 miles today. I never made it past the first 50.

I should have NEVER gone on this ride. Please listen to this advice and trust your instincs when your telling yourself you should probably just stay home.

My cousin came to town to setup a stage for this big BMW rally here. He got us VIP backstage passes. Got to party with the bands etc. Well, I got sucked into helping take down the stage and crap. Didnt get home until almost 3am. I had to get up at 6:30 for the ride. So I got almost no sleep at all. I woke up and got ready. I just didnt fell very well but I really wanted to ride. I took a bunch of vits and drank lots o water and figured I'd be ok.

We start to ride and get to some twisties. Right off the bat I get a giant rock to my new dark smoke visor putting a huge chip in it. I was freaking pissed. So that kind of took my mind off of the road which is no good.

The bike just didnt feel right either. Didnt want to lean in very well, but that was most likely my coordination, etc being messed up. I come up to this corner and I notice I am too hot... WAY too hot. I tried to lean as much as I could but it just wasnt going to work. I flew straight into the dirt and the bike hit a hole or something which just kicked me off like a pissed off bull. I was doing about 35mph when I hit. I landed like I was diving off of a diving board. All the weight landed directly on my right shoulder which completely blew out. My right side of my helmet also took a good force.

I stayed awake and aware the entire time. I slid a long way after first impact. I went into the side of a hill which stopped me. The sound of my helmet grinding through the rocks and dirt was crazy.

I knew the second I hit ground that I demolished my shoulder. As I layed there on my stomach I tried to roll over and felt my shoulder feel like it was only holding on with skin. I got to my back and heard the loudest pop in my shoulder that I will never forget. At that point is when the pain started. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt in my life.

As I am laying there, 2 other bikes got into an accident 6 feet from my face. One slowed down to see if everything was ok and the other creamed him from behind. They were both ok though.

I have yet to see my bike. The ambulance came fairly fast. They tried to cut off my leathers but I wouldnt let them. Anyone that owns a 1 piece can vouch for the pain in the ass they are getting on and off. Now do that with a trashed shoulder. It was hell, but we did it.

Pat from Metric Motorsports who I was riding with is having the bike towed to his shop. I am not sure when I will be able to see it again as I cannot even stand up without almost passing out from the pain.

My shoulder was massivly dislocated and they say the tendons and rotor cuff are trashed. I have to see an Orthopedic to get some better tests done and see about possible surgery. My ankle took a nasty hit too, but no fracture. Its just really sore. I am bruised from my ribs down past my hip.

I was wearing full gear. I would have been half dead probably if I was not. Please WEAR YOUR GEAR!

I am on the other hand done... I am not giivng up riding, but I am not playing track star no more. Its not worth it. While I was in the hospital, my daughter asked my mom if her daddy was dead. I broke down instantly hearing that. I never want them to go through that again. I am going to ride to enjoy the ride and the scenery.

The gear held up great. I didnt notice anythin on the leathers, my boot took a little damage on the toe. Helmet is pretty much done for after a hit like that.

To make things worse.. My father had to get put into the hospital right there as he was in my room. He is haveing some kind of heart falure or something. They wont let him leave now and are keepng him overnight. His heart is not beating right and he was passing out in the room. Their stabalizing meds are not working for him and theare afraid he may have a stroke because the heart problem may cause blood clots.

I think my crash was meant to happen in a way. My father never would have went into the hospital. He is that stubborn. So he was forced to come bcause of me and they are now treating him.

Please ride safe and wear your gear. This shit is dangerous. No way around it. Its fucking dangerous. Stay safe and come home to the ones you love please.... I'm done riding for at least 8 weeks now that my shoulder is gone.

I'll update on the status of the bike when I find out. I will also update how the insurance handles the situation.
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Wow, that is one heck of a story my friend. Glad your family still got ya though. The plus side two good things happened from this. One you learned a good lesson(Family First) so enjoy the ride, and Two you got your father to see a doctor. I truely hope all works out for the whole family. I'm just a little north of ya but anything I can do please don't be shy to ask. You take care and enjoy your time with the ones you love, and that love you. Take care my friend

Wow. Glad you made it out alive. I hope you have a full and speedy recovery.
Not sure what damage the bike has, but I hope they total it. I dont want it back trashed. Even repaired, it just wouldnt be the same. I dont want to look at it for a minimum of 8 weeks and not be able to ride it.

I hope to God my dad is ok. I dont know what to do. I'm freaking out. :(
Glad to see you are alive and will recover. You can watch the kids play baseball but I'm afraid your playing days are over.

If everyone hasn't watched "Twist the Throttle II", please do.
They go over this exact situation.
Too hot into a corner
Fixate onto a spot instead of your exit point of a curve.

Sounds like a high side launch and the fall back to the pavement toasted the shoulder.

Riding a bike is like flying an airplane. You don't fly unless you have had adequate sleep and rest. Your Physiological condition is very much a part of your performance.

There is a series of small events that led to this and I hope others learn from his pain and suffering.

I will keep you in my prayers for a full recovery and the courage to get back on the FZ6R.
Sorry to hear this, hope you and your dad get well soon, God Bless!
Real sorry to hear, but I hope you recover well and soon. Prayers for your dad, keep us posted.

I am so sorry!

I'm glad you're still with us and have the capabilities to post that important reminder to all of us. Stuff happens, and it seems to happen a lot quicker on motorcyles. We can't ever take anything for granted. Thank you!

Speedy recoveries for you and your dad are in my prayers.

Hang in there and keep the faith,
That really blows man... sorry to hear it - but get well soon!
I think that your estimate of not being able to ride for a minimum of 8 weeks is VERY optimistic if the damage you did to your shoulder is as extreme as you say it is.

I had a 75% tear of my right rotator cuff about 5 years ago now - couldn't move my arm at the shoulder (well, maybe 10 degrees to the rear) at all. It's really bizarre looking at your arm, telling it to reach forward from the shoulder and seeing it hang like a piece of meat. Physio started about 5 days after the incident, with ultra sonic and acupuncture therapy. That was a week before they started to lie me on my left side, and ask me to start turning my arm up from the elbow.

All in all, took about 8 weeks to gain back maybe 35% of the strength, another 8 weeks to bring it back to 80% strength, which is where it is permanently (broken up calcium deposits inbetween muscle fibres etc etc).

Hope you heal much better, but please TAKE YOUR TIME!!!

oh yeah, and GET RID OF THE HELMET!! Technically, you're supposed to get rid of them if they fall off of a table. So, after being gouged up and banged around, I highly doubt it would be operating at an adequate safety standard.

Sorry to be the bringer of doom and gloom.. *sigh*
rest up, i wouldn't push it. i would take the rest of the season off, as far as riding, give yourself the rest of the season and all winter to get things straight.
Hope all goes well for you and your dad.
My Heavens man this is just awful. I am glad that you survived and that your little girl will get to see her Dad. I am very sorry that on top of the fact that you had a accident,you have to deal with the stress surrounding your Dad's condition. We here on this Forum feel for you and your Family. Please take care of yourself and your Family. I will be praying for you. Laurie Potter
I glad you are ok man. This could have happened to any one of us. I wish you and your dad speedy recovery. This just shows to everyone again, wearing your gear can save your life. Although all my crashes have been on my dirt bike, without my gear I would not be here.
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