it sucks when...

When you are a new rider with your first bike starting to amass a small amount of confidence riding around the neighborhood...then you realize your sloped driveway will be the biggest challenge. You pull it into your garage just fine and you think, i should get some more practice starting on the hill.You back out and try again, stall a few times, then take off. You lose control and ram your wife's brand new leased car. More damage to the car than the bike and severely bruised ego and upset wife. :thumbup:
your on a ride with a 30-40 other bikes and you kill it at a stop sign.
1. Trying to find 2nd.

2. You don't have the funds to buy the mods/gear you look at everyday.

3. You lowside in a jam packed 4 way.

4. You have to ride all bruised up from the crash earlier that day.

5. You're in a group and everybody else is on a supersport styled bike. I still love my bike!

6. You're ordered to abide by riding guidelines to motorcycle apparel. I just want to wear what I want when I ride....It'll still be all the safety gear...just don't tell me only specific colors!:mad:
When you come across your first gravel pit, and being a noob try to u-turn in it, gas it a little too much, back wheel flies out, and *boom* hit the ground. What's worse, you're mentally freaked out, go to pick up the bike on an incline, and it falls over on the other side. :surrender:
- riding behind a cager and they spray their windshield wiper fluid and it hits you in the face...(happened twice so far, i wonder if they do it on purpose haha)

- underestimating how strong the wind is and you trying to act cool going 60 on a slight turn and having the wind almost blow you into the guard rail

- pull your bike out of the garage and putting your foot on a wet leaf causing you to almost drop her

- every time you glance at those rabbit ear mirrors

- when some hot girl is trying to talk to you at a stop light and you have your music in and by the time you get the volume down, the light turns green
- You realize you're not trained as good as you think you are when a kamakaze squirrel on the side of the road runs in front of you and instead of executing the MSF 'swerve and avoid' maneuver you close your eyes, lock your brakes, and scream like a girl...

- You back your bike out (with the sidestand down) and claw the bloody cr@p out of your left foot with the kickstand...

- You leave the office wearing all your coolest moto gear and as your co-workers in the parking lot watch you mount up you realize you are still wearing your business dress loafers...

- You look all over the restaurant for 30 minutes for your keys only to find them still in the ignition...

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- You realize you're not trained as good as you
- You look all over the restaurant for 30 minutes for your keys only to find them still in the ignition...


-You look all over your buddies house for you keys and realize you are an idiot and they are in your helmet hanging from your side mirror...
You go to put the key in your bike and drop it into the fairing and have to shake your bike to get it to fall out, or worst have to dig around in there until it shows up:mad: Oops!

Glad to know I'm not the only one!
- you are flying down the road and realize that the flapping piece of fabric slapping your neck is the unfastened chin strap from your helmet,,,:surrender:

- but most of all for me it sucks the most when I am through riding for the day...see you out there on the road, ride hard, ride safe!
... its 4th of July and your stuck at work for 8 hours

(almost done though) back into a spot in the parking lot, and you turn your handlebars all the way left to lock them, and the horn button hits the tank and alerts the entire lot to the fact you are a jackass. do it two more times before you realize it's the tank that's causing your damn horn to bleat.

you pull in straight to a parking spot, on a grade enough that you cannot walk the bike backwards. you have to stand to the side and pull it back.

+1 to backing in next time :D
You head to a guys night reunion 6 hours and 4 states away with college friends you haven't seen in 5 years. Everyone gets in the trendy club but you stand outside to smoke. You finally enter and it's one of those establishments that absolutely requires ID to get in. At that moment you realize you left your ID in your riding leathers 4 states away.

I can't believe "dude, look at me, I'm balding" actually worked.....
...your buddies decide to take their water gun fight to the backyard and spray the BBQ while you're grilling the food you spent all day preparing. Ashy burgers, anyone?

-When there is not NEARLY enough awesome formfitting and flattering womens gear to buy so you have to just deal with whats out there and spend tons of $$$ on something you really do NOT love. No? Is that just me then? :rolleyes:

-Knowing that you are abusing the hell out of your clutch when there is a traffic jam that is constantly moving, but at only 5 miles per hour..... Just enough to piss you off!

^Same thing, but on a nice uphill incline for a few miles or an uneven road and the car in front of you is enjoying their braking JUST enough to get you all off balance at 1 mph so as to have to put your feet down, just to start going again. :mad:

-Not blipping the throttle correctly in your downshift and you just shake your head wondering why you even try. :D
