it sucks when...

- you steal this thread (sorry O/P :eek: - what? it's a great idea. ok!) to start on your local bike forum and they completely ignore it. :(
How are the repairs coming along? Any clue as to how it happened?

very very slowly...
only thing i can think of is that the chain was just in terrible condition, (stretched out i guess?), i should get it back next week, (internal damage occurred), will update as soon as i do...
thanks for asking
Sucks when you ride to work in beautiful sunshine, and then at 4:30 the skies darken and open up and you have to call your wife to pick you up at work.
after about a month in the shop, i got my bike back yesterday.
i am pleased with the shop and work, although the wait killed me.
and total damage is...
Ouch, was that covered by the warranty or did you have to fork that out of pocket?
it sux big time when you are riding in stagerd formation behind your kid and you watch her get smoked by a car that was pulling off of a stop sign and turning left :eek::mad:

Happened Tuesday night,

Lucky she is such a good rider.... (only got her licence this May but managed to bank hard left and almost avoided him). He just clipped her exaust pipe and swerved bike a bit. She managed to keep the bike up and came to a controlled stop.

She has a back injury (from the swerve and the impact) that should heal soon and bike has a small dent that should be fixed soon.

Douchbag didn't even know which bike he hit, he had to ask me :mad:
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it sux big time when you are riding in stagerd formation behind your kid and you watch her get smoked by a car that was pulling off of a stop sign and turning left :eek::mad:

Happened Tuesday night,

Lucky she is such a good rider.... (only got her licence this May but managed to bank hard left and almost avoided him). He just clipped her exaust pipe and swerved bike a bit. She managed to keep the bike up and came to a controlled stop.

She has a back injury (from the swerve and the impact) that should heal soon and bike has a small dent that should be fixed soon.

Douchbag didn't even know which bike he hit, he had to ask me :mad:

You are telling us the Douchbag was still conscious after he hit your Daughter?
That's what I was thinking too.

I did kinda lose my shite at him especially after asking him for his name and insurance info 6 times, finally gave it to us after hubby called the cops :mad:. He said "oh well I had to call the police too to make sure that was what I was supposed to do."

I though Hubby would tear him a new one but he kept his cool ,we didn't need an asault charge adding to the stress of the situation :D
Riding down the freeway at 75 mph and the douche cager in front of you tosses his cigarette out the window. It takes a bounce off the road and right up into your helmet and you start clawing at your face to get that burning thing off your cheek and it isn't working.....I almost got arrested over that one....
Back in the day when I rode wearing t-shirts, I had a butt hit me in the throat and go down my shirt, that was billowing out frontwards because of the fairing. The damned thing blew around in their until I got stopped and burned me about 6 times. I wanted to chase down the guy that threw it out his window, but had to put the chest hair fire out first.
The problem is that they were just inconsiderate and no way could they make that shot in a million years if they tried again.
So doing what we had in mind to them is possibly an overreaction spurred on by the extreme pain of cigarette burns on our skin.

I had to stop get the cigarette outta my helmet. I did close to 150 mph for a few minutes to catch up, was spotted by a CHP and he assisted in my detainment of the cager after he saw my face. Nice burn on the cheek that took 2 years to go away. Gave him a ticket for littering..I had the ciggy butt with me.....and he forgot to give me a ticket after he yelled at me for doing could have done 170....
eating mongolian bbq and burping... in your helmet.
Skunks, just in general.
When the stupid cager start pulling in to your spot then realizes your in it and panics. Why is it always SUV drivers that do it?
Chucker started this back in the day stuff so here goes----back in the day when I used to wear a t-shirt I had a bee go down my collar. Stung me right below the left nipple. I thought I'll kill this bas#@*d. I smashed it and got stung again about the same spot. I had a nice Bee-cup for a couple hours but only on one side.:(
it sucks when ...

last night the rubber thingy came of one arm of the rear stand as I was putting my bike up after a nice ride (took a very long way back home from work). Didn’t notice it at first and then the bike sort of slipped off that side of the stand when I was setting up the front stand. I took down the front stand and barely caught the bike as it slid completely off the right side of the rear stand. Bare metal had no grip and twisted the stand so it wedged itself between the wheel and the swing arm. Called my son to help me as I held the bike from falling on its side. By golly, the bike is pretty heavy and I couldn’t lift it no matter how rich the vocabulary. In the end I got it sorted out, but the finish on the right side of the swing arm is scratched down to the metal.

Gonna get spools installed.

If we didn’t have unpredictable sucky weather here and I was sure I’m gonna ride within a week I wouldn’t be putting up the bike on the stands.

On a side note, I’m not the only PNW rider, who’s perpetually California dreaming: O how I've missed California - PNW Riders.

Being a proud owner of your new fz6r chest out feeling manly and have some come up and say your bike bike has PINK:eek: pen stripping and try to make yourself believe it wasn't that color when you bought it. no need to say the stripping has got to go!!
