I hate you Pepsi


New Member
So, I'm driving home from work. Cruz'n down the road listening to music etc.. All of a sudden I hear this loud "Boom" and felt liquid all over my face/sun glasses... For a second I thought I had been shot at (I'm a Cop, some people would love to rip my head off :) then I realized the Pepsi can I had left on my passenger seat had exploded!!! haha it freaked me out!!! talk about a "holy @#$% moment" :) anyhow just wanted to share the story....

holy shiots that would tweak me! Was it from heat or what? Thats weird
Lucky that you did not have an accident,but being a policeman you have had special training.:thumbup:
Had that happen a long time ago when I was stationed in FL... someone left a can in my back seat.....

needless to say... you'd avoid that problem if you road on two less wheels!!! hehehe

Yeah, yeah!!!! I know.. But I had to take my son to daycare.
lmao that happened to me last summer, my truck is black with black leather interior, cablammy!!! all over me, the dash scared the living crap out me.
Sorry, but its funny LOL. I have an image indented in my brain since it happened to me also.
My brother in law had one of those novelty "Buzz Cola" sodas from the simpsons movie a few years back...

We were in his house just sitting around and he had it up on the top of his computer desk. Out of nowhere the damn thing just exploded and covered the room in that crap! :eek: I've seen it happen from heat, but not just sitting undisturbed on the computer stand. Scared the crap out of all of us.
