I Hate Squids - Rant


New Member
I'm pretty sure every "proper" (read: smart) rider gets a rant so here's mine.

Riding down the highway in my cager (my 6R still isn't broken in, I'm only at 200 mi) I see not 1, not 2, not even 3 but about 9 or 10 squids doing squiddy things: no gear (a few had helmets though), splitting lanes, going 95 mph, and one even had a passenger! Before I started riding, it would annoy me simply because I knew not all riders were like that. Ever since I've gotten into the club so to speak, it pisses me off to no end! Yes, it the weather is starting to warm up but even that isn't a good excuse to show your tentacles. I'll just never understand that type of behavior.

On another level, not to make it a race issue, but I'm Black and all of those squids were too. Not only am I as a rider going to be lumped in with those jackasses, but some will also put me in that box because of my skin color as well. :banghead:

Going one step further, I'm relatively young (27), again as were the squids. This pushes me even further into this stereotype that because I'm a rider, with these two attributes added on. This simply needs to change and I have no idea what I can do about it other than gearing up every time I ride & being respectable on the road to show people that at least 1 out of 10 young black riders are not in it to "look cool".

I apologize for the rant but I just had to get that off of my chest.
No need to apologize! Its bullshit... They give all riders a bad name. :( Season is just getting here so the squids will be in full effect! :spank:
Thats about all you can do is ATGATT and ride respectful.
I am a pretty new rider in this being my second season up in the mid-west. I live in a college town and I can't stand seeing other college guys riding around on RR bikes wearing a white beater and no helmet. I am still trying to understand the guys that are riding with the jacket and not the helmet.. I guess the jacket will keep the rest of there body looking good once there head cracks into the pavement. I ride somewhat aggressive but not to the extent that these other guys ride. As a younger rider (21) I hear where you are coming from, the speed is alluring but some people don't seem to have enough respect for what the bike's can do. They will either get a close call that will scare them half to death and they will stop or they will simply crash and learn there lesson the hard way.
I am a pretty new rider in this being my second season up in the mid-west. I live in a college town and I can't stand seeing other college guys riding around on RR bikes wearing a white beater and no helmet. I am still trying to understand the guys that are riding with the jacket and not the helmet.. I guess the jacket will keep the rest of there body looking good once there head cracks into the pavement. I ride somewhat aggressive but not to the extent that these other guys ride. As a younger rider (21) I hear where you are coming from, the speed is alluring but some people don't seem to have enough respect for what the bike's can do. They will either get a close call that will scare them half to death and they will stop or they will simply crash and learn there lesson the hard way.

As cold hearted as it is...I hope every one of them guys screwing off in just wife beaters and shorts gets a nice harsh low side as a reality check. Its self selection...Gear up or get out if your riding agressive. You may be the one riding hard and at risk, but when you go down...dont you think the guy or gal riding behind you that has to go over to you and see if your okay and your skin graff is laying a few feet away from you on the pavement and you lay there crying and regretting your situation. :rant:That person will remember it, the cop on your accident scene will remember it. I absolutely hate your no gear free wheeling SELFISH mindsets you squids. You all rant and rave because we say gear up and stay safe, its your choice to ride free, but hey JACKWAGON its not THEIR choice to see you slide across pavement and lose half your god damned body across the ground either now is it! Selfish Pricks.:disapprove:

Okay my rants over :eek:

I tried saying only the minimum in the post before...but I had to come back and finish. :smoking:
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I rode aggressive for awhile, passing on double lines, scaring the car drivers, and risking my own health. But, I got a ticket and now I have slowed down - it actually feels good not to ride like a jackass and learn to enjoy more responsible riding. I am still aggressive in the corners, but on the right roads away from traffic.

I think the most irresponsible part of riding crazy on the streets is putting your life at risk without regard to the suffering your family will go through if you end up crippled or dead - that really isn't fair to them.
The squids around here all do it to show off and have people, especially girls look at them and ooo and ahhh over them. WHICH, girls do btw. DOH! :rolleyes: But I assume they do all over. It's just to get people to look. As shitty and senseless as that seems, it's the reality. I've met COUNTLESS and I mean COUNTLESS guys who don't suit up for the chicks believe it or not. And another countless amount who try to hit on me acting all tough with no helmet/jacket/etc. Idiots! But I just look them up and down and scoff while shaking my head as I walk away. There is nothing like saying "You're a tool" with just a look and a walk while hopping on my bike (with atgatt) and leaving em the dust. Ahhh, that makes me feel SO awesome and always makes me laugh. I LOVE watching them watch me ride away!!! I get SO much pleasure in that.... It's pretty sweet. I know it's a different perspective for a girl, though. BUT, if you want to see this A$$, then ride with gear.

On another note, I hate it when people say they don't ride with gear on a day ride or a few hour ride because it's hot outside. I call BullShiT!! That is the lamest thing I've ever heard. If its SO hot outside for your poor little weak self then wait until dusk when it cools off, and then go. Or ride earlier in the morning. Or, be a man and tough it out! There is ALWAYS another option than riding all bare.
I understand what you are saying, though! Every time I see one, I think to myself...."What a JacKaSS!!"
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Thanks for all of your replies. I know it's not a race/gender/age thing, but these days it's so easy to rope someone like myself in with those idiots when people who are anti-motorcycle (like my Mom) speak in generalities. Then I end up getting the 3rd degree from her every other week.

The most bothersome part is when I talk to people my age who have ridden before and crashed. My first question to them is always the same, "where you wearing gear?" You already know the standard answer, "Nah, but...". I've heard that at least 3 times.

Like many of you said, all I can and will continue to do is ride ATGATT.

Btw, DakinechicK, I wish there were more women around like you & my wife who think that type of behavior is abhorrent. Alas, there are too many out there who've seen movies & tv with bad boys who ride with no gear and think that helmets & jackets are geeky instead of life savers. :disapprove:
I'm in the same boat but 23 so I def feel you lol. But I get the same googly eyes from girls when I throw my leg over my bike as I do when I throw on my jacket so thats like win win right? :)
My brother and cousin like like to do wheelies and race each other on the highway. I ride behind them and keep the lane clear and enjoy the show. They have both wrecked (my cousin spent 2 weeks in intensive care and recieved a $50,000 insurance claim when a car pulled out in front of him). They know the risk and I don't get involved and we can all still enjoy the ride.
I'm all for freedom on bikes and doing whatever you desire. BUT,if a rider keeps rolling the dice long enough you will lose one day. Some of my friends have and now the only thing they push is daisies .:(
I rode aggressive for awhile, passing on double lines, scaring the car drivers, and risking my own health. But, I got a ticket and now I have slowed down - it actually feels good not to ride like a jackass and learn to enjoy more responsible riding. I am still aggressive in the corners, but on the right roads away from traffic.

I think the most irresponsible part of riding crazy on the streets is putting your life at risk without regard to the suffering your family will go through if you end up crippled or dead - that really isn't fair to them.

My hat is off to you.
I have a good friend of mine, is in a wheel chair because of a motorcycle accident. That happened when he was about 22 years old, now he is 45 years old. So he is investigating the possability of riding again with using special adapters on a bike. When he crashed, (car backed out of a driveway and he hit it) he was not wearing any gear except for a helmet( nylon pants,sneakers,T shirt and light jacket). I asked him if he was going to wear ATGATT,,, he replied "no". I looked at him,shook my head and said "You are a F@#%in Idiot". He was not impressed with my responce,as I was not impressed with his. I love him like a brother,,but what an A$$. Laurie.

if you want to see this A$$, then ride with gear.

:D If I wasn't married you'd be receiving a sexy Chippendale PM picture showing me with all my gear on.

Slaythoven, I wouldn't worry a bit about the race card. Everyone is the same skin color under ATGATT.
