Ho-Lee Crap!!!


New Member
Don't think I even got anything to say about this? Wow!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0zmdwCkocQ]Moto extreme 4 crazy pilots on the street : 300 Km/h amazing ! - YouTube[/ame]
good lordyness thats insane
Those guys are my inspiration haha that looks like so much fun kinda like Glamis on a holiday weekend soo much fun
Those guys are my inspiration haha that looks like so much fun kinda like Glamis on a holiday weekend soo much fun

Words of a winner!

another neat video tho btw

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6tEgYLoUfU&feature=related]Jason Pullen in San Francisco - YouTube[/ame]
It's a good thing a car never changed lanes suddenly. :eek:
Complete and utter assholes is all they are. :mad: Worthless excuse for "bikers". Darwin will take care of them soon enough and I couldn't be more the happier... This is why we get a bad name.
I call BS on the vid. First of all, look at the cars they're passing... crappy little 4 cyl cars probably going 110 kmph and vans going max 120-130kmph. They're not blowing by them nearly fast enough to believe they're going 220-250kmph...period. Secondly, no one drags a knee on a public road going that fast with traffic... this video involves use of some sort of speedo healer to make their speed seem much faster than they're really going. On my XJ6 on the autobahn pegged out, I blow by cars much faster than they are, and I'm doing 215-220kmph, which is even off because of the manufacturer's error.
I call BS on the vid. First of all, look at the cars they're passing... crappy little 4 cyl cars probably going 110 kmph and vans going max 120-130kmph. They're not blowing by them nearly fast enough to believe they're going 220-250kmph...period. Secondly, no one drags a knee on a public road going that fast with traffic... this video involves use of some sort of speedo healer to make their speed seem much faster than they're really going. On my XJ6 on the autobahn pegged out, I blow by cars much faster than they are, and I'm doing 215-220kmph, which is even off because of the manufacturer's error.

Film it and see how it looks. The real life perception and the heat of the moment makes things feel more amplified. When it is on film it is amazing how slow things can look.

I remember this in my hockey days thinking, "we must be playing as fast as NHL guys?" Then I saw some video footage. My first hand perception at the time was vastly different to what I was watching.

At 2:30 you can see he slows right down and is practically shadowing them. He is doing 130-140. Video is from Greece and tourists are warned if driving that the locals quite often drive 20-30 above the posted speed limit. People on another forum who ride litre bikes have confirmed the shift speeds are similar to what they experience.

Totaly insane, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! I watched it twice just waiting for him to wreck. I am no saint either on the road but that makes me look like a grandpa!
