Help needed in order to make right decision


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#1: I don't know anything about that particular cruise control (i.e., throttle lock), but I added a universal throttle lock on my old Radian, and it was a huge wrist saver. I actually got it halfway through a cross country tour, after I developed near paralysis in my right hand (I couldn't even sign my name on gas receipts). With the throttle strain relieved, I recovered full function on the return trip.

#4: I've been playing around with some ideas for added lighting. A lot depends on whether you want lights to improve the range of your own vision, or to increase your conspicuity to other drivers.

For the first purpose, lights mounted on the forks or under the fairing would probably be the best bet. For fog lights especially, you want the beam low to minimize glare.

For conspicuity, higher and farther apart is better. I'm currently experimenting with LED arrays in the "air scoops," and I have a half formed idea for putting LED running lights in the mirrors.
#1 That cruise control looks interesting. I have also seen kinds that don't actually lock the throttle, but rather it's a paddle that goes over the grip to allow you to turn the throttle without death-gripping it. Something like this. Crampbuster Cruise Control :: New Enough Motorcycle Hard Parts

#4 I imagine some small fog lights would be great to add to the forks, in fact I was considering the same thing myself. You could easily make/buy a bracket that would mount in place of the reflectors on the forks to allow for added visibility whilst driving. And adding a switch to the dash panel wouldn't take any work at all, just a little planning to get the location right so that wires don't bind and it's easily accessible.

Sounds like a lot of fun, wish I was home to make the trip with you.
I really want some hard side cases, but I'm not too fond of the Givi ones. They are just was too wide looking for our bikes. I found some Yamaha ones that they sell in Europe for the FZ1 and the 900. They are made to be alittle narrower, hence the name "city side cases". I wish they made these for our bike. The lines would be perfect. I would be all over them like a prom date.
Haha @ prom date.

I didn't know they made aftermarket cruise controls! That will definitely help out on the commute lol
