Heineken in Mororcyclist Magazine!!!


New Member
Hey guys... just got this month's edition and stumbled upon two pics of FZ6Rs!!! First was an ad with a generic picture, which I thought was neat until I found the second...

Heineken!!!! I remember that tape job from your track day thread! New helmet and some gear, but it's definitely you!

Ladies and gents, we have a celebrity on our hands!!!
Nice haha, theres actually THREE FZ's in that edition :)
very cool man! now I have to get my copy autographed :cool:
great, already with the "I'll have my people contact your people" line... guess I'll have to bribe my girlfriend to flash the goods in order to get back stage passes :rant:
Yep, it's the December issue... Not sure why the rush considering it's the first week of November!

Ahem... Spoolin... I believe that's an XJ6 Diversion! ... Jk... Good catch!
Heineken, congratulations! Way to represent Illinois (since our politicians have givin us such a bad name, lol). No really you should pat yourself on the back!
I'm so excited for you Heineken!! :D :p :D Congrat's on the magazine photo!!
